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Ni-ki nervously rubbed his hands together waiting for the elevator to get on it's destinated floor
26th floor

*ding* the elevator door opened as he walked out and towards the first office room which is occupied by Jay as the lady on the first floor said to him

Ni-ki gently knocked on the door before entering the office room to be met by Jay crossing his hands together with a grin seated behind a big glass table "you made it, come take a seat"

Ni-ki did as ordered and sat down on the seat in front of him feeling a bit at ease after seeing Jay's warm smile

"No need to be nervous, I won't do any interviews because we always do our research on people we are hiring beforehand and for the rest let me just tour you around and tell you what your job's gonna be"

"Uhuh" Ni-ki agreed about the tour still being a bit suspicious about how Jay had access to his whole biodata but decided to ignore it, for now, they are a big company after all of course they do their research and not just hire anyone

"So let's start with the top floor where you are going to work as a personal manager of this company's CEO" announced Jay making Ni-ki's eyes go wide in response

"I-Isn't that a high-rank job?" he asked in disbelief "well yeah, it is and your salary would be up to 52,249$ per year, depending on how you work"

That would be more than enough for mom's heart transplant

I know not the best chapter but hope you still enjoyed reading it, bye~💗💗

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