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The next evening~

Ni-ki stood there in front of the mirror starring at the purple skin on his neck as a rosy hue spreaded on his cheeks

*knock knock* "Ni-ki are you in there?" asked a worried Sunoo while knocking on the door "o-oh yeah Hyung" stuttered the boy trying to 'wash off' the hickey panicking

"The chief told us to meet him, hurry up!" Whispershouted Sunoo "almost done Hyung!" shouted Ni-ki back and gave up trying to 'wash off' the hickey before covering it up with his jacket and opened the washroom door to be met by a Sunoo who looked extremely nervous as Ni-ki also had almost the same expression at the mention of the chief

Time skip~

Sunoo knocked on the office door and entered the room after hearing a loud 'come in!', with the help of younger as he was still in a little pain, the boy didn't have a choice but to come to the police station and report everything about yesterday to the chief who called them or they would get fired

"You wanted to see us, is everything alright sir?" asked Sunoo to the old man who was busy glaring at the duo with lust in his eyes making Ni-ki shrink on his spot out of fear as Sunoo tried his best to protect the scared boy from the old man's dirty gaze

"How pathetic are you guys, couldn't even do your only job right, do you have any idea how much of a loss that was for me?!" he stated harshly before standing up making the duo flinch slightly

He then walked towards them as he tried pulling Ni-ki towards himself by his arm as Sunoo tried freeing the younger out of his hold "let go of him, you old hag!" yelled Sunoo but the man just pushed him down harshly and since he was still injured he couldn't get up and screamed in pain

"Hyung!!" shouted Ni-ki looking at his friend hurt and kicked the old man where the sun never rises and ran towards Sunoo supporting him by his arm before running out of the room with the older

Ni-ki made Sunoo sit on the passenger seat in his car before driving away towards his house
Sorry for the mistakes but hope you enjoyed reading, bye~💗💗

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