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Author pov

Ni-ki stared at Jay dumbfoundedly as the boy raised one brow at him waiting for a respond

Finally snapping out of the shock Ni-ki stood up swiftly letting his chair fall backward in the process scaring the poor male in front of him

"'THE PARKS'? DO YOU MEAN 'THE F*CKING PARKS'?!" he screamed out making Jay hiss and cover his ears at the noise "calm the f*ck down, will ya? And yes I'm talking about 'the parks'" he said rolling his eyes as Ni-ki mentally slapped himself embarrassed before taking his seat again "sawry" he mumbled sheepishly while rubbing his nape

"It's alright, I mean anyone would react like that it's the 'hashtag one company' of Seoul after all, but yeah this is my offer, you have the whole day and night today to make your decision whether you wanna work there or not and if you do happen to accept my offer, then please come to this address tomorrow by 8:30 Am, I should get going, see you," said Jay and walked out of the càfe after handing Ni-ki a business card whom Ni-ki carefully took with both his hands and put it inside his wallet after reading the card

'So this is what luck feels like?' he thought smiling to himself before standing up and also walking out of the cafe

Time skip~

Ni-ki stood there in front of the mirror with two outfits in his hands thinking what to wear for the day tomorrow

Yes, he made his decision to work there, which sane person wouldn't want to work there? Not him at least

He put on an alarm for 7:20 am before laying down in his bed and bringing the fluffy duvet up to his neck and cuddling in it to sleep

Unaware of the day ahead which might change his whole life


Hey, guys sorry for the late updates, I have been a bit busy with school lately that's why I couldn't update earlier but dw I will try to update the next chapter faster and the third ship will be revealed very soon so stay tuned, hope you enjoyed reading, bye~💗💗

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