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Author pov

Ni-ki stretched out his arms with a yawn while giving his office chair a spin as he was finally done with his work for the day

He rested his face on his hands with his elbows on the table staring at the now black screen in front of him, lost in thoughts

There were many questions he had for jungwon but the older never gave him any answer and just told him to have some trust

The work he had to do was just somehow get into Sunghoon's house and steal some files, but the problem is that those aren't just some files, those are the evidence to Sunghoon's arrest, he had to steal the files of his illegal work

It was the thing that Ni-ki always wanted to do, to get Park Sunghoon behind the bars, but something didn't seem right, did he not want to see the handsome face of Park behind those dirty iron bars anymore? Why? Was he developing some unfamiliar feelings towards the criminal or is it just pity because he knew the feeling of being betrayed? Either way, he has to ignore it for the sake of his mother's life

"Ni-ki?" there it was again the voice of another Park, the nicer one, Jay park who came into Ni-ki's office interrupting his thoughts

"Oh Hyung? What brings you here?" Ni-ki asked as Jay seated himself comfortably in front of the younger's desk

"Nothing special just wanted to ask if you coming to the party tomorrow," Jay said hoping that the younger would say yes or his best friend won't be very happy

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet," said Ni-ki rubbing his chin while thinking about whether he should go or not "O c'mon, everyone's going to be there and there would be alcohol" pleaded Jay a bit excited about the alcohol part

"Is Sunghoon coming?"

Oop, Ni-ki said his thought out aloud surprising the black-haired boy in front of him

'Sunghoon gonna wanna hear about this' thought Jay smirking to himself after seeing the flustered boy in front of him

"Of course, he would be there, so you coming then?" jay asked wiggling his eyebrows slightly making Ni-ki blush again

To say it won't be too bad going there right? He might have a teeny weeny chance of somehow getting into Sunghoon's house but that's like 0, 01 out of 100

Still, nothing wrong with trying so Ni-ki agreed as Jay clapped his hands excitedly and exited Ni-ki's office going to Sunghoon's to explain everything thing to him

And you bet a cheeky smile was on Sunghoon's face when Jay left

Weeeh another chapter, hope you enjoyed reading, bye~💗💗

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