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Ni-ki angrily walked into his office and slammed the door shut afterward

He sighed frustrated once he sat down on his desk and tried to calm himself down but the thoughts about the kiss earlier weren't leaving his mind alone

*knock knock* A knock was heard as Ni-ki allowed whoever it was to come inside "come in!"

"Hey Ni-ki, you alright?" asked a blonde-haired boy after entering the office room

"Oh, yeah Sunoo Hyung, I'm alright, just a bit tired," said Ni-ki not wanting to tell his friend about the kiss incident

"If you say so, ... Oh I almost forgot, we have a mission tomorrow"          "A mission? What kind of mission?" asked Ni-ki confused

"Some rich dude is having some kind of celebration with a bunch of other rich dudes and we have to be there in case something happens but they also kind of invited us too," answered Sunoo boringly

"I see, what time?" "The timing is from 10-12 pm, oh and there's also a dress code, we have to wear a tuxedo with a mask," said the boy as Ni-ki nodded his head tiredly in response

"You must be tired, right? Just go home and take a rest our shift is already over," Sunoo said and got up to leave

After a while, Ni-ki also stood up from his seat and drove towards his house with his car

He arrived at his house and unlocked it and went to his bedroom

Ni-ki freshened up and laid down on the bed after changing his clothes and looked up at the ceiling with deep thoughts running through his mind

Suddenly a *ding was heard from his phone as he sat up talking the device in his hand

A Text message from an unknown number

'Huh who would message at this time?' he thought and clicked the receive option

Unknown number
Hey Kitty, can't sleep?
Hope you enjoyed reading,bye~💗💗

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