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Ni-ki walked at a slow pace towards his car as snow has already begun to fall, with numerous thoughts in his head, where would he get all the money for the hospital bill, his job is already gone

Tears formed once again in his eyes but the boy hurriedly wiped them away not wanting to be weak for his mother, he was determined to find a stable job for his dying mother

Suddenly a young-looking boy approached him as Ni-ki looked at him in confusion, he didn't recognize the unfamiliar boy

"Yes?" asked Ni-ki once the boy stopped in front of him "hey, can we talk in a nearby càfe? It's something important," the boy said pointing towards a càfe accord the street but why would Ni-ki trust a stranger

"Uhh... I'm sorry but I have to go" he said trying to excuse himself as the boy spoke once again to which Ni-ki halted in his steps

"You want a job right?" asked the man as Ni-ki starred at him with a blank face but inside he was getting curious "why? You have a job to offer," he asked with a scoff making the boy in front of him shook his head

"Let's talk in the càfe," said the boy once again but this time the younger agreed still being a little hesitant

The blond-haired boy opened the small càfe's door and entered inside after Ni-ki, being a gentleman, Ni-ki wasn't gonna lie his heart did flutter at the gesture but shooked his thoughts away once they sat down in front of each other

"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Ni-ki the moment they sat down "be patient ok? Let's start with an introduction I'll go first, hello my name is Jay, park Jay, what's your name?" asked Jay with a warm stunning smile extending his hand which took Ni-ki by surprise from the other's beauty causing his cheeks to turn pink but he still smiled back before shaking Jay's hand and also introducing himself

"Hi Jay, my name is Nishimura Riki, you can call me Ni-ki I guess" "alright then, you wanna order something before we talk?" he asked to which Ni-ki shook his head in response

"The reason I wanted to talk to you is because I have a job offer for you under the parks"

Hello my lovely readers sorry for the late update I was kind of busy but I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, see you next time bye~💗💗

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