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(SUNJAY ft. Ni-ki chapter)

Sunoo pov

It's a sunny day today, my favorite weather and currently, I'm going to a nearby cafe from my house, it's been so long since I last came out, because of my injury it was hard to walk but thank goodness it's better now

I entered the cafe and was surprised at the little bell above my head that made a jingling sound but it was cute

I scanned the cafe in search of an empty table but to my surprise, I saw Ni-ki who was also surprised by my presence but soon started waving his arms as everyone eyed him weirdly

I chuckled at his behavior, he is so dumb but cute, dumbly cute

Nodding my head in response I started approaching him and as I neared I saw that he was with someone and that someone was looking at me

We made quick eye contact but before I could observe his face more he turned around looking down

"Hey Ni-ki" I greeted my dongsaeng who greeted me back with a huge smile

God, he is brighter than the sun

Shortly after our greeting, I noticed the stranger who was with Ni-ki still looking down with his black silky hairs covering his face

I sat down beside Ni-ki as he motioned me to and gave him curious eyes as to who the boy was

Ni-ki nodded his head in understanding and began introducing us

"Hyung this is Jay Hyung my co-worker and friend and Jay Hyung this is Sunoo Hyung, my brother"

Sunoo smiled slightly feeling touched that Ni-ki referred to him as his brother, they both knew each other from elementary school and their moms were friends so they always kept in touch and when Sunoo's mother passed away Ni-ki's mom always gave him all the love like Ni-ki and told him to call her his mom

Author pov

Finally, Jay looked up once he heard Ni-ki and looked at Sunoo freezing in his spot

Sunoo is Ni-ki's brother? But he is sure that he did research on Sunoo's family background and he had no siblings, then how?

And as Jay was busy in his thoughts forgetting that he is making eye contact with Sunoo, Which Sunoo took as a chance to observe his face, and oh my Sunoo seemed to have a giddy feeling in his chest looking at his pink pouty lips

Jay finally snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that his crush whom he is nearly obsessed with, is sitting in front of him and is looking hot as f*ck

"Jay Hyung are you alright? Your face is turning red" Ni-ki spoke up as he noticed the red hue on his Hyung's face

"Huh? Y-Yeah I'm f-fine" stuttered Jay finally looking away from Sunoo who looked impressed by himself for making Jay stutter

"If you say so-"

"Here is your order sir" before Ni-ki could complete his sentence a young-looking girl came with their orders and started setting them on the table

"Ahh!" Jay accidentally moaned as some of the iced latte fell on his shirt and Sunoo's head whipped in his direction in an instant with an unreadable expression but Ni-ki being Ni-ki didn't notice anything as he was busy with his dessert

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I'm really really sorry sir" the waitress apologized panicking as Jay told her it was ok and excused himself to the washroom with a blush and mentally cursed at himself

As Jay left, Sunoo looked towards Ni-ki who was still busy eating his dessert, he silently got up and followed the direction where Jay went before and quietly opened the washroom door to see Jay standing in front of the sink trying to wash off the coffee stain

But what caught Sunoo's attention was the skin that was revealed as Jay's shirt was tucked out right now

Sunoo slowly approached him and held his shirt in his hands from the edge startling Jay in the process who looked at Sunoo with a surprised reaction

"W-What are you doing here?" asked Jay to which Sunoo replied with an "I'm here to help you"

Sunoo wetted his one hand and pulled the clothes edge upwards to himself revealing more of Jay's white and smooth skin before rubbing his hand on the stain

Jay's breath hitched at seeing Sunoo so close to himself making him almost faint

On the other hand, Sunoo took his sweet time trying his best to clean the shirt and took not some but many glances at Jay's exposed tummy

But sadly it didn't last long as the stain was now gone and he had to let go

"It's done" he announced sulking inside at the thought of letting go as Jay thanked him before walking out to which Sunoo followed him behind

After coming back Sunoo ordered his order and they finished their food with a chat which was mostly between Sunoo and Ni-ki, till they had to return to their homes

Hello my lovely readers I'm so sorry for such a late update, I got covid and was sick so I couldn't update but I have recovered now and hope you enjoyed reading this sunjay chapter, bye~💗💗

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