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Author pov

It is Sunday morning and Ni-ki is currently 'eating' his breakfast or mostly stirring the spoon in the cereal bowl, he no longer had any hunger, he just misses his mom, the life seems too dull for him right now to do anything but he can't give up, can he now?

Just as he was busy stirring the milk and cereal, his doorbell rang taking his attention as he got up from his seat and went to open the door, leaving the now soggy cereals behind

He opened the door expecting it to be the mailman or something but he didn't expect to see that someone, not when he no longer is a police officer

"Jungwon Hyung?" he asked surprised as Jungwon smiled at him in return "yes Ni-ki, it's me" he hugged the younger who was still in the middle of his reaction but nonetheless hugged the older back, he had so many questions in his mind right now but he invited Jungwon inside first and brought him to the living room where they sat down on the couch

"H-How? I mean...I thought you..." Ni-ki tried asking but couldn't find the right words "yeah, I know I'm supposed to be in Beijing right now, but..." Jungwon stopped mid-sentence thinking if whether he should tell the younger or not, even tho he was here to do so, but last time thoughts

*sigh, he sighed before continuing his sentence in a quiet voice "listen Ni-ki, I'm not supposed to reveal this to anyone but you're an exception since I need your help and I came here with high expectations and I hope you can succeed them" he paused to see Ni-ki's reaction who nodded his head in understanding listening carefully and continued

"I'm on a secret mission, and I want your help with it" he explained "my help? But I'm not an officer anymore Hyung, I quieted it if you don't know, I'm sorry but I don't think I can be of help right now, I have other problems too" Ni-ki declined since he just wants to do nothing right now other then staying with his mother

There was silence for a few seconds before Ni-ki got up to bring some snacks and coffee for Jungwon "I'll get you something to eat" and he left to go to the kitchen leaving the boy alone in his thoughts

Jungwon must say that he did expect the younger to decline after what is happening with his mother, he was very well aware of everything and he wasn't going to give up any soon on pursuing Ni-ki into helping in his mission, after all, it won't even be possible without him to succeed in it

After a while, Ni-ki came back with a tray of two cups of coffee and some snacks, he shot Jungwon a kind smile and they both took the coffee mugs and took a sip

"Ni-ki I know that it's hard for you with what's going on with your mother and trust me I fully understand you but I need you, if it wasn't for that I would have never bothered you in the first place, the mission is impossible to do without you" Jungwon tried once again but to his avail, Ni-ki still didn't agree

"Hyung I respect you, but I'm sorry you know I can't do it, if it was any other time I would have gladly done it but right now I have to take care of mom and I can't leave her side for long-"

"I will find you her match for the heart" Jungwon cut Ni-ki off mid-sentence who didn't quite catch what the older said, "sorry, what?" asked Ni-ki

"I said I know someone who has the heart of her March and they are willing to donate it" Jungwon calmly said again

Ni-ki was in shock at what he heard, he thought maybe he heard it wrong, and to confirm it he looked at Jungwon who just nodded his head in response as in what he heard was right

"Can I trust you Hyung?" Ni-ki asked even tho he knew that Jungwon would never lie about something like that or cheat him, they knew each other since when they were still rookie cops and got very close in a short time, they even worked in one team with Sunoo and two other people together and Jungwon was their captain but a year ago he got transferred to Beijing in China which made Ni-ki sad but they still talked to each other on the phone sometimes

"Yes, you can Ni-ki," said Jungwon as he starred at the younger's teary eyes, and immediately Ni-ki jumped on Jungwon hugging him in happiness, he couldn't believe it, his mother will be all good once again

Hope you enjoyed reading💗💗

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