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'F*ck where's my phone, I swear it was here like a minute ago' Ni-ki looked around his messy room full of clothes in search of his phone whom he lost while choosing his outfit for the night

'Oh, it can't be, f*ck my life' He cursed after realizing that his precious phone might be somewhere under his blanket which is covered with a pile of clothes

At the very last minute before leaving for the party he lost his phone, what an unfortunate boy

And luck not being on his side today, the doorbell rang continuously indicating that his ride to the party is already here

'Who's here now?' he thought annoyed not realizing that it was already time to leave and went downstairs to open the door to reveal Jay standing at the door frame looking handsome as ever that even Ni-ki got hit by his charm in an instant

"Woah, Hyung are you planning on getting married today or what?" asked Ni-ki jokingly and quite surprised

"Hahaha" Jay shrugged the compliment off with a laugh "you're also looking real handsome Ni-ki, now shall we head off now?" asked Jay offering his arm as a gentleman whom Ni-ki gladly accepted and went with him to the car completely forgetting abo...

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"Hahaha" Jay shrugged the compliment off with a laugh "you're also looking real handsome Ni-ki, now shall we head off now?" asked Jay offering his arm as a gentleman whom Ni-ki gladly accepted and went with him to the car completely forgetting about his phone

"Hahaha" Jay shrugged the compliment off with a laugh "you're also looking real handsome Ni-ki, now shall we head off now?" asked Jay offering his arm as a gentleman whom Ni-ki gladly accepted and went with him to the car completely forgetting abo...

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Time skip ~_____________________

After about a 30 minutes ride the duo arrived at their destination

"Wait let me!" Jay said hurriedly before Ni-ki could open the car door and get off, he ran across to the other side of the car and opened the door for Ni-ki as the younger boy thanked him before getting off

They walked towards the entrance where the security was checking everyone's invitation and other stuff and once the guards saw Jay they hurriedly got out of the way and let them in

"Has Sunghoon arrived yet?" asked Jay one of the guards after entering the party which was held in the huge garden of Sunghoon's mansion

"Not yet Sir, but he'll be here in a few"


"Ni-ki let me introduce you to some of my friends," Jay said smiling at the younger who was in awe at the sight of the fancy lightning and the huge swimming pool, but he wasn't a fan of the crowd that was forming slowly as more and more people came

"Sure Hyung!" replied Ni-ki and went with Jay to a group of people who were standing in front of the mini-bar(it wasn't mini)

"Jay-ah!, my buddy long time no see!!" a drunk blue-haired boy yelled after running towards Jay squishing him into a hug

"Hey you big bunny get off of him, we have a guest!" a pink-haired boy came behind trying to get the tall guy off of Jay while slapping him on the butt after acknowledging Ni-ki's presence

"Oh, a guest?" the tall guy said and looked at Ni-ki with a huge exciting smile "OH MY GOSH!!! YOU'RE SO FREAKIN CUTE!!" then he came towards Ni-ki and pinched his cheeks as everyone had an open mouth and hands on ears as the boy had yelled so loud

"This b*tch" the pink-haired boy mumbled being done with the bunny-like boy and dragged him away from Ni-ki

"Ni-ki, you alright?" Jay asked as Ni-ki's cheeks were red from the pinching "huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine" He answered still trying to process what just happened

"The blue-haired one is Soobin and the pink one is Yeonjun" introduced Jay as Soobin has already passed out on yeonjun's shoulder

"Hey, you're Ni-ki right?, heard about you a lot, we finally got to meet" smiled yeonjun as he was struggling to keep his balance while Soobin was clinging to him




A lot of noise was heard at the entrance as Ni-ki and Jay turned around to see what was happening

A Lamborghini was parked in front of the gate as someone came out and the crowd got even louder at a certain someone's presence

'He's so dramatic' thought Jay already knowing what was happening

The crowd slowly backed away making some way for the person and as he finally came in sight, Ni-ki's Jaw dropped to the floor

Sunghoon walked toward the bar looking sexy as usual, as girls were holding onto his arm which he didn't seem to mind at all but a certain someone did mind it tho

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Sunghoon walked toward the bar looking sexy as usual, as girls were holding onto his arm which he didn't seem to mind at all but a certain someone did mind it tho

He walked past Ni-ki as if he was invisible and went straight to the bar ordering a shot

Slowly he sat down on a stool pulling a chic on his lap while licking his lips

Ni-ki's lips turned into a frown at the sight, he didn't know why but a string pulled on his heart at the sight of Sunghoon placing a hand on the girl's thigh

'Who the hell does she think she is' he thought and started to take huge steps towards them with tight fists

Hello everyone I know that it's been a long time since I updated but I wasn't doing well mentally or physically so I had no motivation in me to do anything but I'll try to get back on track and finish this book for my lovely readers and I wanna thank you guys for reading this book and giving your support, tysm, see you guys next time<3

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