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‼️T.W: mention of blood, guns‼️
‼️Heated scene‼️
Ni-ki's pov
(yay first, first-person pov)

I was eating my delicious cupcake when I got interrupted by sounds of gunshots

As an instinct, I took out my gun turning around to see at least about 40 people entering the hall, wearing all black and they started firing

Then my eyes went towards the host of the party who was laying on the cold floor in a pool of blood

I squat down hiding behind the deserts table to prevent myself from getting shot and started firing back at the intruders

"Ahh!" a shout was heard as I looked towards the source of the scream to see Sunoo Hyung gripping tight on his leg where he just got shot

"Hyung, are you alright!" I asked worriedly as he just nodded his head slightly in response as he was still in pain

"N-Ni-ki, go help that lady she might get shot! I'll cover for you!" he said pointing towards a lady who was covering her ears in terror while bending down

I nodded my head in response before going towards her carefully not to get shot as Sunoo Hyung covered up for me firing at the men

Before I could reach her, a hand gripped on my wrist tightly as I was pulled and slammed against a wall

I looked up to be met by a familiar pair of sharp eyes, I couldn't see his face because of the mask, But I instantly recognized those sharp cold-blooded eyes, how couldn't I?

"long time no see officer" he whispered as I could feel his cold breath on my lips

I stared at him in shock but quickly hid my reaction with a glare "what the h*ll do you think you're doing? Stop your men, they are hurting innocent people!" I shouted

"Innocent? Innocent my a$$, those are all bad people, criminals, drug dealers, and much more, where the fvck do you see the innocence in them!" he spat on my face angrily as I looked at him unbothered and tried to get out of his hold

"I don't care what kind of people they are, I'm here to do my job, and to protect them is my priority and the rest... it's not my problem right now, my problem right now is you so you need to get the fvck out of here" he chuckled at me and pulled my hair backward making me look up and hiss in pain

He took off my mask and pressed his lips against mine harshly as I tried getting out of his hold

He then brought his lips down my neck and collar bones sucking and biting my skin as a whimper left my mouth

"S-Stop, Sunghoon s-stop" I said in a defeated voice as I felt him bite harder

He pulled away but not before licking my skin making me shiver "you should learn to control that pretty mouth of yours kitty or next time it will be more than just a hickey" he whispered in my ear and signaled his men to stop firing and left with them
Hope you enjoyed reading, bye~💗💗

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