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Author pov

It's been almost 2 hours since they took Jake inside and no painful screams were heard anymore

Heeseung was also now fully awake chewing on his thumbnail anxiously, waiting for any news

And just as he was looking at the door intently, it slid open and a doctor came out taking off his surgical mask

"Are you related to Sim Jaeyun?" he asked after seeing Heeseung approach him with the others behind

"Yes, I'm his husband, how is he?" he rushed "no need to be worried, he is alright and congrats you are now a father, you can meet your husband but not the child since he is in a critical condition and we have to keep him in the NICU for a while, we will talk about the details later" the doctor smiled and left after patting Heeseung's shoulder

Heeseung entered the room and sighed in relief after seeing his husband peacefully sleeping face, tears fell from his eyes as he rushed to the bed where Jake was laid and held the younger's cold hand bringing it towards his lips and kissing it

"H-Heeseung?" Jake called out with his chapped lips "yes baby, it's me, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?" asked Heeseung rubbing his forehead "Hmm, water please" whispered Jake in exhaustion

Heeseung motioned Jay to get some water as he stayed with his husband, after a while, Jay brought a glass of water and gave it to Heeseung who helped Jake drink it

"You must be tired, just close your eyes and get some rest, I'll be right here by your side, ...you did a great job baby" he whispered the last part in Jake's ear before kissing his forehead as Jake once again closed his eyes immediately drifted off to sleep

"Since your baby is premature, he requires complex medical care and is most likely to face complications in NICU, so we have to keep him in hospital for at least 2months, and after that time if he is healthy again then you can take him home" the doctor explained as Heeseung nodded his head in understatement with a heavy heart, scared for his child

Since I'm not a doctor, please ignore the mistakes😅 hope you enjoyed reading, bye~💗💗

P.S.ngl this book is kind of getting boring and I feel like discontinuing it, lmk if y'all want me to continue this book or should I write a new book

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