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Ni-ki slammed his hand on the alarm clock to shut it off as it was ringing for 15mins now

He groaned sitting up and groggily went to the washroom to take a warm shower and brush his teeth

He changed into a pair of black trousers with a sky blue sweater since the weather is cold outside and decided to go for a walk

Ni-ki went to a nearby park and started strolling around it, he sat down on a bench after a while and observed the empty playground in front of him

He smiled slightly after seeing a group of Kindergarten friends come to the playground and play tag, his mind traveled to the old times where he was a teenager and how he used to hang out with his friends too 'I miss them'

Ni-ki sat there for a good two hours thinking about old times and not noticing the track of time

"You can't catch me Hoonie Hyung!" shouted a young Ni-ki as he ran around the playground with his other friends

"You bet!" shouted back 'Hoonie' as he ran behind a hyper Ni-ki before wrapping his arms around the younger and pulling him into a tight back hug "gotcha!"

"Heeseung Hyung!, help meee!!" Ni-ki shouted trying to break free from the older boy's hold "sorry Ni-ki, I can't help you, I have to put me first" said Heeseung laughing as a black-haired boy crept behind him "tag!" the boy yelled slapping Heeseung on the arm as a scream left Heeseung's mouth

"Jungwon, you idiot, almost gave me a heart attack," Heeseung said scolded Jungwon while placing a hand on his chest

"Yeah Jungwon, Hyung is getting older you shouldn't do that to him, right Jake?" A boy with black hair said joining to tease the older and high fived with 'Jake' "yeah, you are right Jay, Heeseung Hyung is getting older"

"Why are y'all acting like as if Hyung is fifty, he is just a year apart from you both," said a boy sassily "aww, come here Ddeounu, you are my only real friend here," Heeseung said and dramatically hugged Sunoo

As they all laughed at their silliness

Ni-ki snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his wrist clock widening his eyes "sh*t how long has it been, I have to get ready for the event too" he said and stood up leaving the park and going to his house
Hope you enjoyed reading,bye~💗💗

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