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Author pov

After the long and tiring day, Sunghoon volunteered to drop Ni-ki off at his home which the boy did try to decline but gave up after getting a dark glare from the older

Currently, both of the boys were sitting in one of Sunghoon's expensive cars as the silence was getting too loud for Ni-ki making him nervous and tap his fingers on his lap but not for Sunghoon tho, who was enjoying seeing the younger get anxious around him

"Calm down kitty, I won't eat you" smirked Sunghoon leaving Ni-ki stunned in his seat who stopped taping on his lap and turned around to look at Sunghoon's side profile as his gaze landed on the older's Adam apple

Sunghoon turned to look at Ni-ki once he stopped at a red signal to find the younger frozen on his seat and intensely gawking at his adam apple

And to give the brunette a better view Sunghoon took out a water bottle from his mini-cabin on the side of the door and started gulping down the water in one breath as his apple Adam moved up and down

Somehow this managed to turn the younger on who cursed in his head and looked away after making quick eye contact with the other

"C-Can you please drive faster, I have to go home" stuttered the boy frustrated, and tried his best to cover his little problem with his hands which fortunately Sunghoon didn't notice... Yet

Sunghoon stepped on the escalator after getting the green signal at full speed which gave Ni-ki a mini heart attack but that wasn't a big problem to him right now compared to the one he has in his pants


The black-haired boy stopped the car in front of Ni-ki's house who was ready to get off and run away but to his avail, a hand on his waist stopped him and pulled him back

"Where do you think you are going huh? Don't ya need help with that" whispered Sunghoon pointing downwards with his eyes as he held Ni-ki in place

Suddenly he gripped the younger's pants from down there and started rubbing on it as Ni-ki couldn't move anymore at the pleasure making Sunghoon's smirk grew

Ni-ki threw his head back in pleasure as the male in front of him started pressing on it harder and harder

"Ahh~ ah" a moan escaped Ni-ki's lips even after trying his best not to make any noise which caught Sunghoon extremely off-guard at the unexpectedly beautiful sound making him stop in his tracks for a second

"I guess you are not that bad," He said and tried to continue what he was doing but the younger was faster and already got off the car before running towards his apartment


I can't believe I wrote something like this, this is embarrassing 😬 but hope you enjoyed reading ig, bye~💗💗

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