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Author pov

Jay pressed the top floor's button in the elevator and walked out of it once he arrived there, he had a file in one hand which he had to hand to Ni-ki, and right now he was going to the younger boy's office to do so

Jay slightly knocked on the blurry glass door of Ni-ki's office before pushing the door open to be met by a Ni-ki whose arms were resting on his desk with his head buried in them

Jay walked towards the blonde-haired boy and took the seat I'm front of him before bringing his hand towards Ni-ki's soft hair and running his slender fingers through them "Niki-ah are you alright?" asked Jay concerned about the boy, who leaned in his touch but still didn't give a response as Jay continued stroking his hair

Jay and Ni-ki had gotten a lot closer in the past few weeks as Jay now started caring for the younger just as if the boy was his little brother and always assisted the younger when he needed help and Ni-ki also looked up to Jay a lot

At first, Ni-ki thought about Jay as an intimidating person with a cold aura, but as time passed by they got even closer and the boy got to know that Jay wasn't like that at all, how he seemed, in fact, Jay is like the most kind, caring, and humble person

"Ni-ki look at me" Jay finally said after 2 minutes of Ni-ki being still, but the younger just shook his head as a no, afraid that Jay might see his blushing tomato like face which became like that all thanks to Sunghoon

"Alright then I'll leave if you're going to stay like that" stated Jay about to stand up but before he could do so, Ni-ki finally looked up stopping him in his tracks

"Ok ok sorry, it's just that I'm feeling a bit s-sick today" Ni-ki lied making Jay concerned as he worriedly brought his hand toward Ni-ki's forehead trying to see if the boy had a fever

"Your body temperature seems normal to me tho, but anyway I was here to give you this file, please check it once before sending it to Sunghoon... Oh, and I also wanted to ask if you wanna go to the cafe together later in the break" "yeah sure" asked Jay as Ni-ki agreed before stretching out his arms lazily as a yawn escaped his mouth making Jay chuckle at his silliness

"Ight then see you later"

Jay exited the office after bidding Ni-ki goodbye and headed towards his own office afterward

Both of the boys continued their work unaware that a certain someone watched their little interaction with a jealous heart

Time skip to the break~

Ni-ki and Jay entered a small cafe nearby there company as a little bell ringed above their heads indicating that a customer came and they were instantly hit by the delicious aroma of coffee beans

The cafe was quite big and many people were there, even if its size was big the brown aesthetic in there looked very warm and pleasant

The duo then sat down on a table of four across each other as there was no other two-person table free

After a while, a waitress came and took their orders which consisted of a cheesecake with hot chocolate for Ni-ki and a vanilla moose cake with a latte macchiato for Jay

They both gossiped about their company's co-workers while waiting for their orders, Ni-ki was quite surprised to see this side of Jay and he could say that it suited him much more, this bubbly and funny personality unlike the cold one and he liked it

Their orders came after some time as they dug into the delicious food in front of them with happy smiles plastered on their faces

Suddenly the bell rang again on the door which caught Ni-ki's attention as he looked towards it to see Sunoo entering the cafe

They both made eye contact and were equally surprised to see each other, Ni-ki gestured with his hands towards the boy to invite him over to their table as Sunoo smiled in response and started walking towards them

Jay looked at Ni-ki confused as to who was the boy gesturing to since he couldn't see behind him so he slowly turned around and as if on cue his heart skipped a beat at the sight of a black-haired boy approaching them

Kim sunoo...

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter, bye~💗💗

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