stay with me [2]

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Wilbur's pov

I opened the door and hung up the phone. I was greeted with an awful smell. Alcohol and cigarettes. Wine, beer and whiskey bottles were scattered about on the counter and some by the couch. I couldn't waste time looking at this though, I needed to find Tommy.

"Tommy! Where are you?" I yelled, rushing through the house. I opened a few doors and then ran up the stairs. I heard sobbing and coughing from the first door. I opened it and saw him.

Tommy was leaning over a trashcan, blood dripping from his head, there was some blood on the corner of the bed, and some all over the floor. His phone was next to him, with my contact still open.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my goodness..." I whispered, covering my mouth kneeling next to him.

Tommy's pov

I leaned over onto Wilbur, closing my eyes. Everything was too much. Wilbur put his hand on my head where the wound was, applying pressure. It wasn't bleeding too much but it was still bleeding nonetheless. He had his hand there for a few minutes before letting go. It wasn't bleeding any more.

"W-wil can we g-go to your house?" My voice was raspy. I was just so tired.

"Yes, we can, shouldn't we get an ok from your father?" I tensed at the word father. "Okay. . . I'll find you some clothes and put them in a bag." He must've felt me tense up because he didn't say anything after that.

I slowly got up making sure I didn't fall over and he started looking through my drawers.

"I-I'm going to use the toilet," I said, getting up and making my way to the washroom.

I got to the sink and started looking through the drawers for one of my razors. I found one and put it in the pocket of my jumper. I slowly walked back to the room and Wilbur had my bag ready.

"Alright, I'll carry the bag. Can you make it down the stairs?" Wilbur asked.

I hadn't thought of this... "I-i don't know..." I whispered.

Wilbur took my arm, which made me flinch. Wilbur took his hand back quickly.

"I'm sorry did I hurt you?" He asked.

I shook my head and held onto his arm, slowly walking toward the stairs, and then down. Wilbur was very patent. But... Before he came down to get me he said he was busy... But he still came down here? Did he lie to me? I started breathing quickly again, why did he lie to me?

"Tommy? It's alright," he rubbed my back as we kept walking.

I stopped in the kitchen, looking around at all the empty bottles of wine and whisky, and there were cigarettes littered everywhere. This place hasn't been cleaned up in weeks...

I looked at Wilbur, and he was also looking around.

"Wilbur... W-why d-did you l-lie to me?" I asked as we kept walking.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Y-you said you w-were busy..." I mumbled.

"Tommy, I was busy, but what I was doing could wait." He said.

"W-what we-re you doing?" I said before coughing again.

He stopped for a moment, "Tommy, I was... I was mourning," He said.

I turned around and looked at him, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He took my hand and we walked out into the car. He got in on the driver's side and I sat next to him.

I watched as tears filled his eyes again and he sobbed once but regained composure, and started driving, wiping his eyes. I wanted to say something but my throat hurt too much. I was just so tired... My eyelids felt heavy, and eventually, I fell asleep.

I woke up as we pulled into a driveway. We were probably at Wilbur's house. Wilbur got out of the car and I opened my door and shakily got out. My arms were really hurting. Wilbur shut the car door and helped me up the steps into his house. He lead me to the couch and we sat down.

"Tommy, please tell me what happened. Did you fall off your bed? Are you sick?" Wilbur asked.

"U-uh I-I" I wanted to tell him the truth... But I was scared. What would he do? What would he say?

"Tommy, please tell me, what happened today was terrifying." He said, scooting closer towards me.

"I-I woke up a-and I was really sick..." I said, "a-and I fell off the bed..."

I lied to him.

"Alright, well let's get you something to eat, you look like you're starving." He said getting up, "I'll also get you some tea."

After a few minutes, he put some tea in front of me and a plate with a slice of toast and eggs. I took the tea and sipped some of it, setting the cup back down. I picked up the slice of toast and took a few bites.

I heard my fathers words, screaming at me, telling me I am fat, telling me I don't deserve food. I wanted to cry. I ate a few more bites of the toast. I looked up at the ceiling fan, turning around and around and around. My ears started ringing and I started to hear every breath I took in, and they sped up significantly. Then the fan slowed to a stop.

"Tommy!" Wilbur spoke loudly, I flinched violently, putting my arms up.

"Tommy? Holy shit im sorry I didn't mean-" Wilbur spoke quietly.

I got up and ran out of the room. I didn't know where I was going, but eventually, I got to the stairs and rushed up to the upper floor. There was a hallway with a few different rooms, I walked to the end and opened the door. It was the washroom. I stepped inside closing the door behind me, sitting against it.

I sobbed into my knees, what am I going to do...

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