stay with me [13]

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Tommy's pov

This hurts to think about. What should I even do? I dont want to tell him... I dont even know how he'll react.

[Answer or Decline]

Shit. Shit shit shit. What do I do I cant think.

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I watched the phone ring. I wiped the up, trying to contain myself, and answered the phone.

"Tommy what the fuck why cant you just tell m-" Tubbo said angrily

"My father," I let out a sigh, "M-My father isnt the best okay?"

"Oh reeeeaaally? What's he do then? Why'd you stutter?" Tubbo retorted.

My throat started burning again.

"Tubbo I-I-"

"I- I-," Tubbo mocked me.

"I'm going to throw up-"

"If youre sooo sick what are you doing at Wilbur's house?"

I started shaking, struggling not to cry.

"Tubbo I'm sorry-" I choked out.

"Sorry for what? Lying?"

I burst into tears. Tubbo stayed silent.

"You done fake crying?" Tubbo said after a while with an annoyed tone.

"Tubbo please- j-just please s-stop"

"Just tell me what happened!"

My mouth felt dry. I felt so sick.

"I-I cant," I whispered.

After a moment of uncomfortable dissaproving silence, Tubbo ended the call.

Tubbo 15:11
Youre such a fucking bitch, just a whiney child.

Child child child child child. I am a child. I cant do anything right. I've ruined my friendship. Im so worthless. I should just cut myself, I deserve the pain.

I looked through my bag and pulled out a razor blade, taking off the bandage, tearing through my skin. I sobbed and sobbed. Tubbo was so mad... why is he so mad, I'd understand if he were a little mad but this is something else...

Sorry. I really am. I didnt mean to hurt you I'm dealing with a lot right now.

Yeah I bed youre dealing with loads of fun with wilbur.

Ok please just forgive me I didnt mean to not tell you but its just been shit im not having fun

Well then I want to see how much "shit" is happining so fucking invite me for the day or something.

Uh well, I'd need to ask Wilbur...

Just do it. Im sooo exited to see all the "sulking" you guys are doing.

I walked downstairs, looking for Wilbur, he was on the couch.

"Hey c-can Tubbo come over for a bit?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll just go to my room unless he wants to see me aswell... Well, it depends on how im feeling, but yeah tell him the adress."

I texted him the adress.

Ok I'm coming over right now, better clean up the party decorations before I get there.

"Oh and if he askes why the fuck im not well just tell him what happened with my brother, its alright if he knows," Wilbur said getting up to head to his room.

"Ok..." I said, sitting down on the couch, nervously waiting for Tubbo. I was so scared. What if he truly does think we cleaned up and just pretended to sulk... What if this is when our friendship ends? What if I lose him?

About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door, I got up and quickly rushed to open it. Tubbo was standing there, he had a very angry look on his face. He pushed me to the side, hitting my arms and my stomach. I let out a whimper in pain.

"Nice acting," Tubbo turned around and shut the door, moving to the couch.

"Since when does Wilbur have two cars?" Tubbo smirked, "who else is here?"

"U-uh Karl-"

"Ooooh so whats he doing? Sulking aswell?"

I was starting to lose my patients. I felt so lightheaded. Tubbo sat waiting for a response, looking pleased with himself. He clearly was looking right through my actions, and wasnt really seeing them.

"Tubbo, I am very sorry but why are you doing this, I really didnt mean to hurt your feelings," I spoke.

"Lets go see Wilbur, where is he?"

"In his room, h-he doesnt want,-" Tubbo already started walking up the stairs.

I quickly followed behind, starting to feel more and more guilty. I would've thought invitng Tubbo over would clear things up but he isnt having any of it. Tubbo turned into Wilburs room, and Wilbur was sat on the bed looking out his window.

"Hey Wilbur whatcha doing?" Tubbo said.

"I want to be left alone for now please..." Wilbur said still looking out the window.

Tubbo sighed and left, walking back downstairs. I followed behind him, as we walked into the kitchen.

"You guys are very good actors, you could start a career with this" Tubbo smirked.

"Maybe we're sooo good because we arent," I snapped, getting more annoyed.

"Finally done crying?" Tubbo teased.

I looked at him with disbelief. What is wrong with him? What happened? In a last resort, I quickly rolled up my sleeves, revealing all the scars and bruises, hoping that this would be enough proof.

I looked at my arm, it was bleeding from the cuts I did earlier. They were pretty deep looking. The bruises had a brown greenish colour to them.

Tubbo looked as if he felt a bit bad, but that look faded back to anger.

"So you were beat up once, and didnt text me for weeks."

"Oh my god Tubbo what is up with you,"

"Nothing, whats up with you?"

"Tubbo it wasnt just once, my father had done this multiple times, I almost died for fucks sake," tears started flowing from my eyes.

Tubbo stayed silent.

"And leave Wilbur alone, please..." I said, not really wanting to bring up what happened with him, I figured he should tell Tubbo what happened.

Tubbo nodded, still looking at my arms.

"D-did you do that?" He asked slightly pointing at my cuts.

"Yes," I replied blankly

"W-why?" Tubbo didnt look angry at all now

"Gee, I wonder," I said sarcastically.

"I-I'm so sorry-"

I walked back to the couch, Tubbo followed me.

"A-and youre so thin... And pale... I-Im so sorry Tommy I just wasnt thinking- I didnt notice-"

"Why didnt you belive me?" I said sharply, turning around to face him.

"Its just- you said it so many times... I just couldnt imagine it would've been this," Tubbo said.

"Just shut up."

Tommyinnit // [ MCYT ] Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now