Chapter 1

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Y/N's point of view:

The wind whipped through my hair as I ran. I tried to ignore it as it continued to get the whispy ends of it caught on my tongue as my breathing increased. How annoying. 

The streets of Storybrooke were rather empty this time of day, and rightfully so, as mostly everyone was gathered in the caves when Emma and Regina were destroying the trigger to the curse. 

I huffed, trying to catch my breath. I used to go on runs all the time, but damn I was out of shape. I squinted my eyes, adjusting to the bright light in the sky as I exited the cave. In the distance, I saw 2 figures dragging one smaller figure heading down the street. They were practically dragging Henry by his shirt collar. Why they wanted him, I didn't know but I followed intently. 

Being Henry's friend for over a year now, I learned to watch out for him. He was like a younger brother to me. When I first arrived at the docs of Storybrooke, no one seemed to notice me. But even though I had a bad reputation due to my 'amazing' father and his antics, Henry was the first one to trust me, to finally get to know me for real. It was like a breath of fresh air. For once someone actually tried to understand me. From then on, I made sure to look out for him.

After about a good mile or more of following behind them, the group began to slow down. I slipped out of my run into a more fast-paced walk to catch my breath, and so I wouldn't be noticed. Many buildings and houses littered the neighborhoods by the docks, which is where I figured they were taking Henry. In any other situation, I may have admired the intriguing window shapes and bright flowers hung on every house, but this was obviously not the time or the place to do such a thing. As I neared the group, i felt a large object under my foot and without thinking, stepped on it. A small 'CRACK' practically reverberated off the building sides. I peered down to see what the heck I had stepped on and was "presently surprised" to see a, now broken, twig under my foot.

'Crap,' I thought. 

On instinct, I dove behind the nearest building for cover, holding my back against the cold, rough brick. I closed my eyes, not daring to open them in case I was truly caught. 

"Did you hear that?" Tamara asked, cocking her head towards where I had just been only seconds prior.

"Hear what?" Greg replied, looking in the direction Tamara seemed to be peering at.

Tamara took a double take towards the noise and just shook her head.

"Must have been imagining it," she said, shoving Henry forward. "Keep walking kid."

I clutched my chest and let out a quiet sigh of relief, my still heart racing. After a few seconds of letting the trio continue on in front of me, I creeped out from behind the building and began silently jogging after them. I was down in numbers and definitely didn't have any element of surprise, so there was no use revealing myself to them now. I continued following them for a bit longer and couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Relax, kid. We're not gonna hurt you," Tamara said.

"Just everyone I love!?" Henry replied, glaring at his captors. "You tried to blow up Storybrooke!"

"True, but that was never the point," Tamara corrected.

"It wasn't?" Henry replied, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"See, we came here to destroy magic Henry," Greg said, with surprising honesty. "But then we found something more important. Something that changed everything... You."

Still eavesdropping on their conversation, I was quite shocked.

Why in the world did they need to destroy magic? It doesn't make any sense! And why do they need Henry to that?

I began to pick up my pace once again. As I moved along with them, I couldn't help but smell the familiar scent of the sea. The air that entered my lungs was refreshing and gave me a slight tingle in my nose. I shook my head. Now is not the time to go galavating with my thoughts. I needed to intervene now. It was my only chance at saving Henry. Everyone else wouldn't make it in time to stop them, that is if they even saw it happen.

"HEY!" I shouted, standing before them in all my pathetic glory. "Let Henry go!" I drew my sword. If Emma and Regina couldn't make it in time, then I would have to stall, no matter the cost.

"Greg, just get on with it!" Tamara said, slightly nudging him with her arm. 

"NO!" I shouted. I ran towards them, sword in my hand. My grip was so tight on the hilt, that my fingers had turned white.

'I can't screw this up,' I thought, 'I always screw things up.' With only seconds to spare before I could slash with my sword, Greg pulled a small, magical bean out of his pocket. With the force only a middle-aged man could muster, he chucked it into the water. The scent of magic filled the air, the water beginning to swirl. I watched as a magical portal opened up within the waves. Tamara and Greg smiled, dragging Henry to the edge of the dock with them. And in a blink of an eye, and all 3 of them, including poor Henry, had gone overboard, jumping into the portal.

Everything happened so fast I couldn't think. I remember looking behind me to see Emma, Regina, and many other people from Storybrook with faces full of shock. They all were shouting Henry's name as he fell into the green portal of doom. I had failed. I couldn't save him. There was no way to save Henry now.


I peered down at the barely open portal in front of me and then looked back at Emma and the others.

"I'll protect him! I promise!" I shouted.

Then, I jumped in.

A/n: Heyyy my beans. Hehe, get it.. "beans." Nvm. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, it was so short. I will hopefully make the others much longer. I mean, this is just the beginning... right?

Bye my loves <3

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