Chapter 2

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Y/n's Point of view:

With a loud 'ZAP' Henry, Tamara, Greg, and I fell from the sky onto wet sand.

Everyone groaned in pain from the fall.

"Ouch," I said, slowly rising from my awkward position face down in the sand. I rubbed my arm, which was sore from breaking my fall.

Henry was the first to get up and tried to make a break for it.

"Nuh uh uh. Slow down, pal." Greg said. "You've got nowhere to go." He grabbed Henry by the wrist (as Henry's hands were tied) and tried to pull him closer to him. Henry reluctantly squirmed out of his grip and backed away from him. I on the other hand, still was cemented on the grainy ground of the beach.

'So much for protecting Henry,' I thought, rolling my eyes.

"We made it," Tamara said with a sigh. "Mission accomplished."

"What the heck just happened?" I said disoriented, finally picking myself up from the sand. I brushed the wet sand off my legs, and tried to look intimidating. Everyone turned to look at me as I stumbled to my feet. I was still jumbled from the portal jump and it seemed that everyone was quite surprised to see me. (Didn't know I was such a sight for sore eyes.)

"Y/n!" Henry shouted, yanking himself from Gregs grip and running to me for a hug. I lowered myself to his height and gave him a tight squeeze.

"Henry, are you alright?" I asked, pulling away and looking at him for injuries. 

"Yes, I'm fine Y/n," He replied. 

I looked around for the first time since I'd landed. What seemed like an expanse of endless forest and trees engulfed us, leaving me confused as to why the hell Tamara and Greg brought us to a freaking island of all places.

"Where the heck are we?" I shouted at Tamara and Greg, as I clutched onto Henry.

"How did she get here?" Tamara shouted to Greg, finally realizing that, yes, I jumped into the portal with them.

"I have no idea," Greg replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"And what 'Mission' are you talking about?" I shouted angrily, still holding onto Henry. No one was to come near Henry while I was watching him.

"Answer me!" I shouted again, "Where are we?"

"Take a look around," Greg said with a smirk. "We're a long way from Storybrooke." I rolled my eyes, as he had not given me the answer I was looking for.

"Ya, no dip Sherlock," I said sarcastically. 

"It doesn't matter!" Henry shouted to Greg. "My family has been to the Enchanted Forest before and they can get here again!"

"Well, we aren't in the Enchanted Forest," Tamara said with a slight chuckle. "This is Neverland."

My heart dropped.

I glanced around once more, slowly begining to recognize some of the brush and trees. My dad and his crew visited here many times, in which I was never allowed to leave the ship. I could go onto the deck if wanted, but my father heavily advised I stay below whenever we made these journeys. Something about evil mermaids and missing boys?

"Neverland?" Henry questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You're here to destroy Neverland!?"

"It's the motherload of magic," Tamara said. She then turned to Greg, who seemed to have brought a hefty-looking backpack with him.

"Where is the communicator?" She asked. "We need to signal the home office." Greg then pulled a rather nice-looking walkie-talkie out of his pack. I watched as he gave the device to Tamara and then re-zipped the backpack, slinging it back over his shoulder. I personally didn't like the idea of communicating with any sort of 'home office' and I certainly didn't like the fact that we were on an island, let alone Neverland, in the middle of nowhere. I had no bearings here, no lay of the land. I felt useless. I lowly reached towards my belt, thoroughly patting it down, looking for my sword. When my attempt to grab my sword came up empty-handed, I looked down to see that in fact, my sword was not in its sheath.

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