Chapter 5

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Peter's POV:

~ Small time skip from the last chapter (please watch the show to fill in the things I have left out)~

After my lovely encounter with Henry and his friend, I decided to pay my other island trespassers a visit. I sat on a rock, near Emma's campsite and waited for her to walk around for a minute. I decided to appear right behind her and saw that she had a tiny sword in her hand.

"You hear that too?" I said. Emma gasped and spun around with her sword.

"You're Emma, right?" I said wittily. Man, I love getting on people's nerves!

"I wonder why they can't hear the crying," I said, pointing to Snow and Charming.

"Who are you?" She said angrily. Reminds me a bit of that other girl from earlier. They had the same... Temper?

"Oh," I said as if I were stupid. "Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan." After I had said my name, she ran towards me and pinned me onto the tree behind me. She put a sword up to my throat and made sure to shove my back nice and hard into the tree.

"You've got fire," I commented. "I like fire."

"WHERE IS MY SON!?" She shouted at me.

"Oh, Henry is still alive if that is what you're worried about. Oh, and don't worry about the girl either. I personally think that Henry will be more.. compliant if I keep her around."

"Why the hell did you take him?"

"He's a very special boy Emma."

"I know, but that doesn't answer my question. What do you want with him?"

"I came here to see who I was up against. The Savior! Gotta say, I'm not disappointed."

"What are you gonna say now? You're gonna tell me how I'm never gonna see Henry again?"

"No, I'm going to help you find him," I said. She looked at me inquisitively.

"I'll give you a map," I said. She slowly put the sword down and unpinned me to the tree. I exhaled, finally able to breathe without that thing so close to my throat. I slowly pulled out a map from inside a pocket in my clothes and held it in my hand.

"A map that will lead you straight to your son," I continued.

"If this is some kinda trap-" She said. I chuckled at her comment.

"I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises." My statement kinda reminds me of what that girl with Henry said. Something about how she promised Emma that she would protect Henry? That's beside the point.

"The path to finding Henry is on this parchment," I continued.

"Why are you giving it to me?" Emma asked.

"See, it's not about finding Henry. It's about how you find him. And Emma, you are the only one who can." She took the map from my hand and looked at it.

"It's blank," She said plainly.

"See, you can only be able to read that map when you stop denying who you truly are." And with that, I vanished. All in a day's work.

~ A LONG while later ;) ~

I stood on a large rock, facing away from Emma and her group of "adventurers." I already knew where they were on the island, what they were doing, and so on. So I just waited for the right time to show myself to them. Emma had cheated, which I was sure of. Regina had used a spell on the map I had given to Emma to help locate Henry. But what they didn't know is that there is no cheating on my Island... Well, unless it's me doing the cheating.

Emma was the first to come into the clearing.

"Is that..." She stammered. "Henry!" She shouted.

In my devious plan, I had decided that the best way of getting into Emma's head, was to dress up a little... a little like her son! (Tehehe) I had his scarf, jeans, and even his blazer on. With the sound of Emma's voice, I turned around in all my glory.

"Oh, Hi Emma," I said. I loved to watch the looks on their faces drain of all hope. It was quite a funny trick if I do say so myself.

"Where the hell is Henry?" Emma said.

"You broke the rules," I replied, completely ignoring her question. "And that's not fair. Bad form. I expected more from you Captin."

"Aye, and you'll get it," Captin Hook said. "But not before you tell me where my daughter is!"

"Your daughter?" I questioned.

"Yes, my daughter, Y/n." Captain Hook replied. "H/c hair, E/c Eyes? I know you have seen her! She was with Henry!"

"Ohhh, that girl. She's got your spunk, I'll give you that! Quite a lovely thing really. Beautiful yet... scared out of her mind." I said chucking.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Hook said, yelling up at me. He had tried to charge at me but Charming held him back.

"Give Henry to me," Emma said angrily.

"Sorry," I replied. "Can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win," I said smugly. Suddenly, all of the Lost Boys came out of the woods, holding their weapons and torches. Ooo this was going to be so much fun! On my go, all of the Lost Boys began firing their arrows and charging with their swords at Emma and her group. Thus commenced the fighting. >:)

Felix's POV:

I pulled out my sword and quickly went to my first target. Hook.

"It's been a while Captain," I teased.

"Not long enough," Hook retorted. He parried my sword slash and we clanged our swords together.

"Do you remember what I did to Rufio? Well, it's about to be a far worse fate for you," Hook taunted. He jabbed and slashed with his sword, and all the while I paired and blocked.

"Well," I teased back, "I could do the same to you but it seems your daughter's life is on the line." This got a little moment of shock out of Hook. I used it to jab at his stomach. He quickly blocked and regained his line of thought.

"Leave my daughter out of this!" Hook said, heaving from the effort of our sword fight.

"Stay away from her!" He yelled again. We continued our fight as we heard other swords clashing and people fighting around us.

"Oh ya?" I retorted back. "And what if I don't? Your gonna what? Kill me? Make me walk the plank?" I looked at him with a fake pouty face.

"Very funny Felix," Hook grunted. "She wouldn't let you near her even if you tried!"

"Is that a challenge I hear?"

"Don't. You. Dare." Hook said, pronouncing every syllable.

"Challenge... Excepted." I said wittily. Suddenly, Pan whistled. It was the communal signal to stop the fight. I drew back my sword, and grinned.

"Till next time hook," I said with a wink. I then ran up the hill to rejoin the group and stood behind Peter.

Peter's POV:

"Remember what I told you," I said to Emma. "That map will show you where Henry is. Only when you stop denying who you really are. I'll make sure to send Henry your regards. Oh and Hook, I'll tell your daughter you said hi as well." I gave him a little wink and then all of the Lost Boys turned in the other direction and we all walked back into the woods.

A/n: Hey beans! Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter! What will happen next? I honestly have no idea because I'm writing this as I'm watching lmao. Hope you enjoyed and I am so sorry that it is kinda confusing. The show is confusing in itself so it is quite difficult to explain why things are happening. Hope you guys can understand. Love yalls!

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