Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV:

As the pixie dust escaped the vial, we all held hands and floated upwards. I tried not to look down and held onto Henry's hand for dear life. I did NOT like heights and I certainly wasn't going to put my entire faith in some magical dust. We flew through the air as the Lost Boys emerged from where we had been standing a moment earlier. We had gotten out of there just in the nick of time! As we flew, Brownie spotted a clearing on the other side of the cliff. He pointed to it and gestured for us to land there. We all started our slow descent to the ground, but we ended up falling from about 4 feet in the air. We all grunted from the "crash landing," and it took us a second to start to stand up. I brushed the dirt off of my legs and arms and made sure I didn't have any leaves or twigs in my long H/c hair.

"See?" Henry said. "If you believe, anything is possible!"

"You couldn't be more right Henry," Brownie said, as he finished brushing the dirt from his pants. There was a long pause as Henry and I looked at each other. I tried to recall our earlier conversations with Brownie when we had first gotten pulled off the path.

"How-" I stammered. "I don't recall ever telling you Henry's name," I said wearily. "There is no way you could possibly know it."

"Let's make it a game. A puzzle to solve," Brownie said excitedly. I quickly unsheathed my sword and held it tightly in my hand. I pointed it at Brownie's neck, silently telling him not to make any sudden moves or I'll make this encounter into a fun game of 'Fruit Ninja.' Ruby showed me that game when I first came to Storybrooke. Who knew swiping fruit on an Ipad could be such fun?

"You lied to us!" I said. "You are a Lost boy! You do work for Pan! How could I have been so stupid!"

"Not exactly," Brownie said. Shit. My heart dropped into the pit in my stomach. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks and my sword stumbled a bit as I tried to remain calm. He gently swatted my sword away from his neck with his hand (Which shows how shocked and scared I was) and leaned in really close to my ear.

"I am Peter Pan," He whispered, smiling from ear to ear. That was enough for me to drop my sword. I couldn't believe it. The man that even my dad feared was standing right in front of me... and he was a teenager no less! I don't normally lose my wits on a battlefield, but I had heard so many stories about him, that I was too scared to move.

"But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad," Henry said, also in shock. "You said you would help them destroy it! Why?" Peter backed away from me so he could look at Henry. For a protector, I was doing a rather sucky job, because I was still too shocked to move.

"Because I needed their help," Peter Pan said. "And it is so much easier to get people to hate something than to believe."

"Then, why did you bring me here?" Henry asked.

"For quite some time, I've sought something extremely important," Peter lectured, "something more elusive than the greatest of all mysteries."

"And what is that?" I asked, slowly coming out of my shock.

"The heart of the truest believer," Peter answered. I almost gasped.

"And," He continued, "When you took that pixie dust and jumped off that cliff..." He said while walking in a circle around us. "You proved yourself. You are the lucky owner of that very special heart. And now? You, and it, are mine."

Once Peter had finished his speech, he pulled a sharp-looking dagger out of his belt and shouted, "Come on boys!" As he raised his dagger in the air, every single Lost Boy I could imagine stepped out of the forest and into the clearing. They all carried weapons of many sorts such as clubs, spears, sticks, and bows. They surrounded us while chuckling and taunting us by smacking their clubs against their hands and getting their arrows ready to shoot.

"ah shit," I said flatly. My sword lay useless at my feet. I got my witts together for a second and kicked it up into my hands, gripping the hilt. The Lost Boys drew closer and closer and I knew even I couldn't hold them all off. They encircled us until there was absolutely nowhere to run. Any sudden moves and we were either getting pummeled to death, shot, or stabbed. I stood back to back with Henry. As some boys got to close, I would slash my sword, sending them stumbling backward. But there were too many. They practically engulfed us.

"Now, Let's Play," Peter Pan said with a grin.

A/n: Sorry this is such a short chapter. It was where the episode ended and I personally thought that it was a really great place for me to stop. Please comment on what you think about it so far and I hope you are all enjoying it! See you beans in the next chapter!

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