Chapter 17

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Reginas POV:

(Still in the vault with Henry)

"What is it?" I asked Henry.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you protecting me here," Henry said.

"Oh, Henry, when all this is over, I promise I'm finally going to be the mother you always wanted me to be." I gave him a long, tight hug.

Unbekownced to me, Pan, using one hand, grabbed a bottle from behind me.

"I love you," I said, still in the hug.

Pan then opened the bottle which released sleeping powder, and it knocks me unconscious. I fell to the floor, fast asleep.

"I know," Henry said. "That's why this was so easy."

Y/n's POV:

"Regina's still not answering her cell," Emma said.

"When we find Pan," Henry said. "Remember he's still in my body. So if you have to throw fire or something, at least avoid the face."

"I'll do my best," Gold said.

We all approached the vault where Hook, Neal, and Tinker Bell were waiting outside the entrance.

"Is it really you?" Neal said to Henry, running to him for a hug.

"Dad!" Henry shouted, hugging him tightly.

"Did you find the Shadow?" David asked.

"Not yet," Tink said.

"Well, we'll be ready for him when we do," My dad said, as he held up the halves of the coconut.

"I think it's Pan we should be concerned about now, Rumple said. "Why are we still up here?"

"It's locked uptight," Neal said, knocking on the door.

"Really?" Gold asked. He tried to use his magic on the vault but the door doesn't budge.

"Told you," Neal said.

"Fair enough," Mr. Gold said. "This is going to take some time." He continued to use his magic to open the vault door while Emma, David, and Marry Margret all walk off to chat for a minute. 

Right as Mr.Gold was going to open the door when he looked towards me. I was casually leaning on to a tree near the vault with my arms crossed in front of me.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Gold asked me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Would you like to kick the door open?" He rephrased.

"Oh," I said, walking towards the door. "Sure."

"Just be careful," My dad said. "Pan could be in there." I nodded my head as Gold continued to use magic on the door to break the spell holding it shut. I drew my sword as a precaution and waited for Gold's cue to kick in the door.

"Now!" Gold shouted. Immediately, I slammed the door inwards with a strong kick. I held my sword in front of me but there was no one at the door.  I looked behind me and my dad nodded, allowing me to continue into the vault.

"Shall we?" Gold asked everyone else, walking into the vault behind me. I scanned the room with my sword, holding it tightly in my hand but it was all clear.

We then looked at the floor and saw that the casket in the middle of the room could be moved. Me and David looked at each other and together, we pushed it to the side of the room, to reveal a set of stairs. Mary Margaret was the first to go down the stairs as everyone else followed. I went in last, to keep watch of our exit. Mary Margret was the first to spot an unconscious Regina on the floor.

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