Chapter 10

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Peter's POV:

~ Another time skip ~

I sat with Felix as we sharpened our weapons. I inhaled sharply as I got a certain sensation that I don't feel very often.

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"Some is leaving Neverland," I replied.

"Where?" Felix asked. "How should we stop them?"

"It's too late. But don't worry Felix. We simply need to get word to our new friends on the ground."

"In Storybrooke?" Felix asked.

"They can handle this," I replied. "All it does is move up our timetable a touch. We need to get Henry ready." We got up from the log we were sitting on and I turned to Felix.

"And I need to have a chat with our friend in the other cage," I said.


"Look at them go," I said, as I looked through a telescope. Through the glass, I could see Emma and Regina coming for Henry. "So determined to find their missing friends."

"Speaking of their friends," Felix said. "What should we do with Neal and Y/n?"

"It's time to move him but leave the girl here. She isn't that important to my plan. Now, take him to the Echo Caves. The game is about to get interesting."

~ Short time skip! (Also quick FYI: Normally when I skip, it actually skips parts of the show so if you watch the episodes, it can fill you in on the extra information I am skipping.)~

Henry's POV:

"There you are," Peter said as he walked towards me. "Care to take a stroll? There's someplace special I would like to show you."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I said.

"Why not Henry?" Peter asked.

"I think you're lying to me. My family, they're here. On Neverland. I know it."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Does it matter?"

"No, It doesn't. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out what does... If your family Is here Henry, why haven't they come for you?"

"Maybe it's because you're keeping them from me! I haven't seen Y/n in forever! You took her didn't you?"

"Henry I promise you, I'm not holding your family prisoner. And for Y/n on the other hand, she got away from Felix the first time she had a chance. She's gone. She left you behind."

"But she said she would always be there for me! She promised! She would never leave without me!"

"We can't always trust the people closest to us Henry..." Peter said.

"And why do you keep disappearing into the jungle?" I asked Peter.  He decided to ignore my question.

I got up and turned around. I needed to clear my head. I decided to take a quick walk in the forest as Felix came up to have a chat with Peter.

Peter's POV:

"It would appear we are losing the boy," Felix said.

"He just requires some effort," I said. "Given his linage, I'd expect nothing less." Felix thought for a moment.

"Shall I bring the cage here?" Felix asked.

"No," I replied. "I have another idea."

~Another time skip~

Felix and I had our plan. We must get Henry to be on our side and the only way to do that was to trick him.

I walked with Felix down a short path, knowing that Henry was in eavesdropping range.

"Head to the other side of the island and deliver the supplies," I told Felix.

"Understood," Felix said. "Anything else?"

"Just make sure that Henry doesn't find out what you're up to." Felix turned and walked away. Thus commenced our plan. Henry had taken the bait.

He followed Felix through the jungle and found the exact person I wanted him to be. He climbed up a ladder into a room where he found Wendy, laying on the bed.

Henry's POV:

"Who are you?" I asked the girl on the bed.

"You're not supposed to be here," She replied.

"I know. I thought that Pan might be keeping my family here. Not only that, I'm looking for a missing friend, her name is Y/n." I paused before I continued.

"Why are you so far away from the camp?" I asked.

"I'm sick," She said, with a fit of coughs. "Pan's afraid someone might catch it."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Wendy."

"Wendy Darling?" I asked. She nodded her head and I immediately sat down at the end of her bed.

"Well, I'm Henry," I said. "What's wrong?"

"It's the island Henry," She said. "Its power is fading. I've been here a long time but well, for some reason it's affecting me more than the others. You look like him"

"Like who?"

"Your father."

"You knew my father?"

"We were friends a long time ago. When he was just a little bit older than you. He saved my brothers from danger. He would do anything for my family." Suddenly, she began to violently cough.

"Are you gonna be ok?" Henry asked.

"You should go," She said.

"Maybe there is something I can do to help."

"Please, I don't want you to catch what I have. Pan is already doing everything that he can. But the magic here I fear is not strong enough."

"There has to be a way!"

"Just, please... Go. before you too become ill."

"I'll come back for you! I promise." And with that, I walked out of the room and back down the ladder.

Peter's POV:

"Well done," I said. "I couldn't have played the part better myself. Oh, and that bit about dear old dad, excellent job."

"I don't like lying to him," Wendy said.

"Don't think of it as lying. Think of it as providing motivation."

"Motivation for what?"

"Doing what needs to be done for all of us. See, I have already told you before but Henry has the heart of the truest believer. And I, need to control that belief.

"What do you need him to believe in?"

"Me. Now back to your cage... Oh, and tell Y/n hello... For Felix." I said with a wink.

Regina's POV:

(Please be following along with the episodes bc I physically cannot type out why Regina is with Rumpelstiltskin and why she is talking to Aerial right now.)

"Before I go," Ariel said. "Belle wanted me to let you know that Pan has a prisoner on this island. A girl named Wendy. Her brothers are back in storybrooke. Belle doesn't want to let them down. She wants you to make sure that Wendy is ok."

"All that matters is Henry," I said.

"And now you have a chance to save him!" Ariel said. "Thanks to me and Belle. So rescuing that girl is the least you can do."

"We will do our best," Rumpilstilskin said. And with that, aerial flipped her tail and dove back into the water.

A/n: Ugh my neck hurts from writing this. I am tired and need to get school done but I am too invested in my own story. Love you beans and make sure to get that homework in! <3

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