Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV:

After Felix had left me to be alone in my cage, all I could think about was Henry. Felix's words rattled in my brain. I couldn't stand it. I was supposed to look out for him! To take care of him. I needed to get back to Henry. I needed to find my way out.

"Hey," an unknown voice said. "Psst, over here!" I looked to my left through the cage bars and saw another girl in the cage next to me.

"Hello!" I said, scrambling to the other side of my cage to get a look at my company. "Who are you?"

"I'm Wendy... Wendy Darling. Who are you?"

"My name is Y/n," I said. I paused before I continued, still not sure how much information I should share.

"I'm here with my friend Henry," I continued. "I need to get out of this cage so I can protect him from Pan! Is there any way I can get out of here?"

"I'm sorry... No. We are trapped in here. Trust me, I've tried everything."

"Ugh, if only I had my sword with me right now!"
I still hadn't found it since I had lost it when I first got captured.

I looked at her through the bars.

"So how did you get in your cage?" I asked, hoping to make some small talk.

"Oh... I came back to rescue someone. He sacrificed himself to help out my family and I wasn't about to let him die for us."

"Well, that was very brave of you."

"What about you?" She asked.

"Oh... Well, my friend Henry got captured and went through a portal with two people trying to take him back to Pan. I followed them into the portal and have been trying to help him get back to his mother. But as you probably overheard, I haven't been going such a great job."

"That's nice of you. I guess we were both trying to save someone..." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"So how long have you been stuck here?" I asked.

"Oh, I can't even remember." She paused for a moment.

"Henry, you say?" She asked, worry in her tone.

"Yes," I replied. "His name is Henry."

"Oh no..."

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, very concerned.

"Pan... He told me about Henry. He has a horrible plan to use me to get his heart since Henry has the heart of the truest believer. He is going to use it to make himself immortal!"

"WHAT?!" I shouted. "I knew he was up to something! Felix and Devin should have listened to me. I need to get out of here! I have to save Henry!"

"You can't! Trust me! I already told you, I've tried everything! And Pan isn't going to let you escape anyways. He knows when people leave the island so even if you were to escape, you wouldn't make it very far."

"This is not good," I said. Since my hands were tied, I couldn't do a lot at the moment. I had tried the reach latch by doing weird yoga moves, I tried getting to the lock with a twig I found in the cage, and I even tried to break through the wood by body-slamming the side of the cage. Nothing worked. The only thing it did for me was making my cage swing side to side. It was useless.

"So we're just stuck in here," I said. "Peter is just going to use us as pons in his little game?"

"I guess so. What he wants, he will get. He has a way of... manipulation?"

"Tell me about it," I said as I rolled my eyes. There was a moment of silence between us.

"So," Wendy said. "It seems that you have an interesting relationship with the guy in the long cloak. Felix? Is that his name? Seems that you two have a lot of extremely angry chemistry. Unless I saw wrong..."

"you said that right," I replied with a laugh. "It's complicated."

"Well, while you try to figure that out, I am going to lie down for a few minutes. I need all of the rest I can get. And trust me, I would help Henry if I could."

"I understand. Pan is quite the character. Just... get some rest."

~Short time skip~

Peter's POV:

(Hook and Charming are going up the huge mountain to get a cure for Charmings' Dreamshade cut.)

"Don't pull him up yet," I said, appearing behind Hook.

"What do you want?" Hook asked.

"To offer you a deal. Come back and work for me like the old days."

"I don't miss the old days."

"What if I were to offer you something very hard to come by?" I asked. I then disappeared from the ledge I was standing on and reappeared in front of Hook.

"Passage of the island," I continued.

"Still not interested." Hook replied.

"What if I were to sweeten the deal? You can take someone with you. Your daughter."

"My daughter promised to save Henry. She is honorable to her word. She would never leave this island without saving Henry first."

"Oh, but wouldn't it just be so nice to see her again? To be the father figure you have always wanted to be? We have known each other a long time Killian. We've done business before. I think that this is the perfect time to restart our relationship."

"What if I'm not interested?"

"Oh, but of course you are. Because that is what I've always liked about you. You're good at surviving."

"What do you want me to do?" Hook asked.

"You'll be in my employ. Do my dirty work."

"What dirty work?"

"When the time comes, I'll let you know. But first, I need a signal that you have taken my deal."

"So my word right now wouldn't be good enough?"

"You know me," I said with a chuckle. "I like action. I'll know you have taken my deal when I see the prince's dead body up on that peak."

"Well, you'll see that anyway. He's on his last legs thanks to Dreamshade."

"I want to see you kill him before the poison. I want to see your hook inside his body."

"And what if I don't take your offer?"

"Remember the last time you didn't listen to me?" I pulled his alcohol flask out of his pocket.

"Have a drink," I said. "It always helped you think. Oh, and one more thing. If you don't accept my offer... Something might just happen to your poor daughter as well."

And with that, I Disappeared.

A/n: Heyyy beans! It's been a while but I'm back and better than ever! I haven't been so invested in a story for so long! I actually went through three cups of coffee, 6 billion cricks in the neck, and many hours editing and writing to get this chapter to you (Not really but you get the point). Hope you enjoyed it! <3

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