Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV:

It had been a while since I had seen both Neal and Wendy. Peter had taken them to help him with his evil plan. I obviously wasn't as important to his plan as Wendy and Neal were, so I just stayed in my cage. Sometimes, I would swing the cage side to side, just for a little fun. I mean, what else could I do? The only time I ever saw someone was when they would lower the cage to feed me or when I needed to use the bathroom.

"Henry," I whispered. "I am so sorry I couldn't help you." I rested my head on the back of the cage, as I was clutching my knees to my chest. I had done an absolutely horrible job at protecting him and I felt so bad not only for him but for myself. What would Emma think? I didn't do practically anything to help Henry! I could never be the hero I had always wanted to be. Maybe everyone was right. I may not be a villain but my dad was definitely known as one. Maybe I got the same fate as him and am not destined for a happy ending.

"Hey!" Felix called, snapping me out of my thoughts. Ahh yes, my favorite island boy giving me my favorite thing. Food.

He grabbed the ropes that were holding up my cage and slowly lowered the cage to the ground.

I really did wonder why Felix insisted to be the one to bring my meals...

As the cage lowered, I rolled my eyes, not really in the mood to see Blondie right now.

"Your dinner," Felix said, as he gave me a plate of food. I took it with gratitude but that didn't change the amount of resentment I had for him.

Luckily for me though, Felix trusted me enough to leave the cage door open when I was eating. Many times I had tried to escape this way, but none were successful as I would be grabbed or threatened with an arrow full of Dreamshade.

"Thanks..." I muttered, stuffing my face with the amazing food.

"You know, Im not as bad of guy as you might think," He said while I ate.

"Umhmm," I said, in between bites. "And what makes you say that?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I do what I'm told, and for good reason. Pan calls the shots. Im just the guy that carry's out his plans..." there was a long pause. "Just know I wouldn't harm you unless directly told to do so by pan. That is unless you try to escape from your cage, but you get the point."

"Do I?" I said, with a little bit of attitude. "Seems to me you're a whole lotta talk and not a lotta action because if you really were a nice guy, you would let me go." He sighed and looked at the ground.

"You know that I can't do that," He said, leaning his head back and looking at the sky, conflicted

"Then you aren't a nice guy in my books," I said with a sigh. He leaned in close to the cage door.

"I'm being serious. I would love to help you, really! But Pan would kill me if I let you out."

"Ya ya... I get it. Enough with the theatrics..." I put the plate to the side and looked up at him. "Before you send me back up, can you tell me one thing."


"How is Henry doing?"

"Oh, I thought- Uh, he's ok."

"Good," I said with a sigh of relief. "That's all I needed to know. I handed him my empty plate which he then set aside.

"Now," I said.  "You can lock the door again." Felix paused for a moment, then sighed.

"Alright," He said. With that, he shut the cage door, locked it, and pulled the rope so it suspend the cage back up into the air.

"Bye Y/n..." Felix said. "See you at breakfast."

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