Chapter 12.

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Henry's POV:

Peter led me to a small rowboat on the edge of the island. I didn't know why we needed to go to skull rock, but i decided to not ask questions and I hopped into the boat anyways, sitting down in the back. Peter, on the other hand, sat in the front, so he could paddle. He rowed us all the way across the water to Skull Rock, where we de-boarded the boat. He then tied the boat to a tiny latch in the ground so it wouldn't float away.

"Ah, It's been a long time since I stepped foot on this shore," Peter said. He secured the knot on the latch and then picked up a long stick off the ground. He then continued to draw a line in the sand with it, all the way across the entrance.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"It's a protection spell," Peter said. "Now, let's go. It's time." He turned and I followed him up the stairs.

Y/n's POV:

(Back at the campsite with Wendy and the others.)

"How do we stop Pan?" Charming asked.

"Pan took Henry to Skull Rock, but you haven't got much time." Wendy replied.

"Then we will stay behind," Charming said. "Someone needs to be here to guard the Lost Boys when they wake up."

"You don't need to stay behind," Emma said.

"David (also known as charming), Is right." Snow said. "If you get him home, tell him we love him."

"Tell him yourself, when you get back from Dead Man's Peak," Emma said. She turned to Rumple. "Gold can cure you back in Storybrooke. We just need to bring a little water with us." Snow began walking towards Emma and gave her a hug.

"You didn't give up," Snow said, still in the embrace. "Thank you."

"Tink, Y/n, and I will take care of things here," My dad said. "Meet you back at the Jolly Roger when you find Henry."

"Promise me that if your father and I don't make it out of here, you'll get him home." Snow said to Emma.

"We are all going back home. Together," Emma said.

Charming kissed Emma on the forehead and he and Snow White were off to Dead Man's Peak to get more water. Gold, Regina, Emma, and Neal all went to Skull Rock to save Henry. That left me, my dad, and Tink alone to watch the boys. We ended up tying each of their hands with some rope so they wouldn't be able to fight back when they woke up.

"So," My dad said, clearing his throat. "How are you doing?"

"Oh," I said. "I'm ok. A bit dirty from being in a cage but I'm alright." There was a moment of silence before he spoke again.

"So... I had a little sword fight with Felix earlier-" He began. "Have you met him yet?"

"Oh, Umm..." I didn't really know how to respond. "Yes, I have. Pan set him in charge over me while I was in the cage."

"Oh. Well erm, that's interesting," my dad said suspiciously.

"Why? What did he say to you?"

"Nothing. He just wanted to get under my skin a little, that's all."

"Dad," I said, knowing he was keeping something from me. He looked at the ground and then continued.

"He said he would try to get close to you so he could annoy me."

"HE SAID WHAT?" I shouted.

"Wow, calm down lass. He was just trying to make me angry during our sword fight. It was all just taunting and messing around." I looked towards where Felix was sleeping. So I guess it was all just a game. It was him just trying to get on my dad's nerves. Nothing more, nothing less. I knew I should have gotten that dang Stockholm syndrome...

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