Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV:

My dad and I led the Lost boys, Neal, and Tink to the Jolly Roger. A very nice lost boy also gave me my sword back, which was nice since it was a gift from my dad's (now deceased) brother, Liam.

My dad had decided that he didn't want Felix anywhere near me. Which was reasonably understandable. This being said, my dad made sure to keep Felix in his eyes view and he watched him like a hawk.

As all of us walked towards the ship, I couldn't help but let my eyes wander towards a familiar cloak, the blonde whips of hair peaking out from under the hood. I could almost sense him smirking under his hood every time I got a quick glance. How he knew when I was looking at him... I have no idea. But I didn't care at this point.

While my dad was hung up talking with Tink and Neal was busy carrying Henry, I saw Felix FINALLY look back at me. We made awkward eye contact for a split second before I looked away.

Suddenly, Felix slowed down. He ended up walking at in pace with me, so that we were now walking side by side. I knew we weren't supposed to talk, (or at least my dad probably didn't want me to speak with him), but we both couldn't help ourselves.

"So, what did you do while I was knocked out?" Felix whispered in my ear with a sly smile. He was leaning in so close to my neck, his breath sent shivers down my spine. I tried to keep a serious face on, but I could tell that my face obviously looked flustered and I could feel my face get hot.
"Why do you want to know," I retorted. "You curious if I was looking at a different Lost boy?" I smirked at my witty response.

He smiled slyly, liking the playful response.  "I doubt that," he said. This made me laugh.

"And what makes you say that?" I asked.

"Because, I'm naturally charming and you know that you want me," he replied. "And come on, I couldn't help but sense your eyes ogling me while I was asleep."

"Excuse me, I was not!" I shouted, but in a low tone so my dad wouldn't hear. Felix laughed at my reaction.

Felix's POV:
I couldn't help but laugh. I could tell how she was feeling just by the look on her face. It felt so good to get under her skin and mess with her. But it didn't help that whenever she started blushing, I did too.

"You're so easy to mess with," I said, letting out a rye laugh.
"I am not," she said, trying to regain her wits.
"Are too," I said, still leaning close to her neck so that she could feel my breath move down her spine. I could tell that what I was doing was killing her inside.



This man... THIS MAN!!! I CAN'T! I could barely breathe. I knew... I knew that he knew what he was doing to me. And I think we both knew that if one of us made a move, we wouldn't push away. But we didn't do anything. We just kept walking.

With a satisfactory smile, Felix leaned away from my neck and stood up straight.

Still smirking, he walked faster so we wouldn't stand right next to each other anymore.



Many Lost boys looked in wonder at the vessel, looking around at the sails and ropes. As many gathered on board, my dad began preparing the ship to sail, giving me orders to start the preparations to hoist the mainsail. After pulling a few ropes, tying a couple down by doing a signature sailor's knot, and making sure everything was ready for sail, I saw Emma, Regina, and Marry Margret come aboard the boat.

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