Chapter 6

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Y/n's Pov:

After my unfortunate encounter with the Lost Boys, I woke up next to Henry, underneath a very tall tree. It seemed that Peter had arranged a "wake up" party since it seemed that literally every Lost Boy was gathered around us, a big a fire burning in the central area of the camp. I looked down and saw Henry starting to stir. He groggily sat up and looked around.

"You ok Henry?" I asked.

"Ya... I'm ok," He replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Peter seemed to have noticed that we were awake and signaled to the other Lost Boys with a big, "Cacooo!!!"

"Good morning sleepyheads," Peter said, walking toward us.
"Catch!" He said, throwing an object toward me. I looked down at the object now in my hand. A bright

 red apple.

"Umm... no thanks," I said. "Not a huge fan of apples... you know, Snow White and all."

"Oh, don't worry, they're not for eating," Peter said with a smirk. "It's for a kind of game," He continued. "A really fun game." He pointed a bow and arrow at Henry.

"I call it... Target practice," He said.

"What?" I said, scoffing. "You can't be serious?" I knew that Peter's games always had a twisted trick behind them. There was no way this was going to end well.

Peter then took the arrow and started to dip the tip into a container of liquid that another Lost Boy held.

"What's that?" Henry asked.

"Dreamshade," Peter replied. "It's a nasty poison."

I had heard many stories about Dreamshade. My uncle, Liam got poisoned by it and once it even touched his skin, he was practically done for. He had only maybe a few weeks or even days to live.

"Here on Neverland, we have a story about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow," Peter lectured. "Let's find out if it's possible," He said with a smirk.

"If you're shooting at the apple, what's the poison for?" Henry asked.

"Motivation not to miss," Peter answered. "Felix, get over here!" Felix, who was at the fire, stood up and brushed off his cloak. He then started walking over to me and Henry. I suddenly realized that the boy known as 'Felix,' was also the boy we met when we first arrived on the island. Or as I liked to call him, 'Blondie.'

'Just my luck.' I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Is... is Felix good?" Henry stammered. "Is his aim good?"

"Doesn't matter," Peter replied. He turned to me and gestured to the bow and arrow. "Because you are the one doing the shooting."

"What?" I stammered. "Me?"

"Yes you," Peter said, handing me the bow. "Heard you have a nice shot," He said with a wink.

How he knew that, I didn't know but I didn't like it.

"But, what if I don't want to shoot," I stammered.

Peter leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Then you'll just have to face the same fate that your Uncle Liam did." I stood there, unable to even believe that he had said that to me.

Soon, every Lost boy began chanting, "Shoot, Shoot, Shoot," Which drew me out of my shock. I gritted my teeth at Pan's words and looked toward Henry with a worried expression.

"You won't hit him," Peter said, backing away from me. "Trust yourself. Go on! It's exhilarating!"

Felix began putting the apple on his head as the other Lost Boys continued to chant. I wasn't about to turn down a challenge but I knew there had to be some sort of catch. With Peter, there always was.
I put the arrow on the bow and drew the string back. My nerves were high as I was practically looking into Felix's eyes. He had a wicked grin on his face, which didn't help my concentration. I took a deep breath, then quickly turned to face Peter and released my arrow. In the millisecond it took me to turn and shoot, Peter was able to catch the arrow, just millimeters away from his heart. The Lost Boy's cheered and I heard Henry sigh of relief.

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