Chapter 13

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Peter's POV:

I floated back down as I watched Emma, Regina, and Neal, try to resuscitate Henry's body.

"What did you do to him?" Emma asked me.

"Oh," I said. "I didn't do anything, Emma. It was Henry. He offered me his heart of his own free will." Emma drew her sword.

"Well I'm going to take it back from you," She said. She tried to slash at me, but I just vanished and reappeared behind her. I grabbed Pandora's box and started walking around them, holding it in my hand.

"I didn't think you had it in you," I said. "Rumplestiltskin didn't. Why should you?"

"Where is he?" Emma asked, still pointing her sword at me.

"What did you do?" Neal asked.

"Well, He is right in this box," I said. "Safe and sound and out of the way. Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore. Neither can you."

"Really?" Emma asked as she slashed her sword. "How did that feel?" She asked. It drew a bit of blood but I didn't react.

"Like a tickle," I said. I then flew into the air yet again and disappeared from sight.

Y/n's POV:

After a huge green wave knocked me and the others to the ground, all of the Lost boys began awakening. I stood up on my feet and then helped my dad up. I sure hoped that Emma and the others had saved Henry. I don't know what that green wave meant but I hoped it was a good thing.

After a couple of minutes of trying to settle people down, Regina, Emma, and Neal had returned with Henry. Charming and Snow had also returned from getting the water they needed from Dead Man's Peak. I gasped as I saw Henry being carried into the camp, unconscious. I guess they didn't save him after all. They set Henry on the bed that Wendy had used earlier and made sure he was comfortable.

"Guys," Emma said to the Lost boys. "We are not gonna hurt you. I know that you are loyal to Pan, and I get that, but you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time, I thought I was never gonna find my family. I was an orphan, like all of you. A Lost Girl. And I was reminded today that am not alone and that  I have a lot of people that love me. If that can happen to me, it can happen to you."

"Pan," Felix said coldly. "Is the only family we need."

"No," Emma said. "Family doesn't do what he did. Pan lied to you and make you do terrible things. He lied to Henry and convinced him to give up his own heart!"

"To save the island," another Lost boy said.

"No!" Emma said. "To save himself."

"Don't listen to her," Felix said. "Pan cares about all of us."

"No, he doesn't," Emma said. "We care about you and we can save you. We can take you home with us to our land! There is no reason to fear Pan anymore. Until he absorbs the power from Henry's heart, he can be stopped."

"You just have to tell us where he is," Snow chimed in.

"Leave now," Felix said, standing up. "While Pan still allows you to breathe. That is the only help you will get." As he spoke, he stared at me. His piercing eyes stared into mine. His seriosuness fades to red for a second. I saw a flash of sadness and something almost like... care across his face. I understood why he was so upset. I understood that he had been loyal to Pan. But the way he sometimes treated me in the cage, the short, longing glances we shared with each other... it was like we related to each other more than we even knew.

"Where is Pan?" Emma asked Felix sternly.

"Not. Telling." Felix said stubbornly, gauze snapping back towards Emma's.

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