Chapter 7

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Peter's POV:

~Short time skip from last chapter~

After my nice chat with Rumplilstilskin and Neal, I had to wait a few minutes for the poisonous ink to wear off before I could move again. As I regained feeling throughout my body, I realized I could now take a step forward, freeing myself from the magic of the ink. I regained my wits, shook of the remaining numbness from my limbs and went after Neal. He had taken Henry and the girl, and leaving poor old Rumplistilskin behind. I gathered my men to search for Neal before he could get too far. Man, I love playing games with them!

Neal carried Henry and Y/n through the forest. It was exhausting work, but he managed to get them to a small clearing where he set both of them down so he could rest. (Don't ask me how he carried them both) He sat down for a short break, letting his muscles relax from the strain of carrying two people instead of one. He shook his head, he was still on a mission and needed to focus. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw what appeared to be a fire pit. He quickly got up to go check it out. Stretching his hand towards the ashy fireplace, he could feel the tiniest bit of warmth cascade over his finger tips. Someone had been here recently...

"Emma," Neal said, implying that Emma must have been the one that made this camp and her and the others had camped there for a night.

"You were so close to finding her," I said, appearing behind Neal. He stood up and turned around to look at me.

"You disappoint me," I began, as my Lost boys jumped out of the bushes and surrounded him.

"I thought I taught you better," I continued. "Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."

"I'll remember that for next time," Neal replied.

"Oh, there isn't going to be a next time," I said. "But don't blame yourself. Your father could have protected you out here, sure. But then who would have protected Henry from him?" As I spoke, Felix got the pleasure of picking up Y/n and gently putting her on his shoulders. Another lost boy took Henry and did the same.

"Talk about a rock and a hard place," I continued.

"I will get my son back. No matter what it takes," Neal said.

"You're not getting it," I said to him. "That's not the problem. You got him. I got him back! It's the game! No, my boy. The real problem for you is that there is no escaping Neverland. No one gets off this island without my permission."

"I've done it before," Neal said smugly.

"Did you?" I replied. "Look where you are now. It's like you never left."

"Are you saying you let me go?" Neal asked.

"I'm saying that everyone is where I want them," I replied. "Something to chew on." I looked towards Felix and the other boy holding Henry.

"You know where to take them," I said. And with that, the Lost boys took hold of Neal and Felix and the other boy started walking into the forest.

"NO, HENRY!" Neal shouted.

"Oh don't worry," I said with a smile. "It won't be for very long."

"I'M ALIVE!" He shouted again.

"Just until I reset the board," I continued. "You see, the game is about to change."

~Shot time skippy~

Y/n's POV:

After being knocked out for who knows how long, I woke up next to Henry. The campfire was still going and the boys were still dancing.

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