Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:

We all stood there, stunned at Blondie's words. Greg was probably the most shocked, eyes wide and mouth open.

"Well... then you're not getting the boy," Greg said, still in shock, joining Tamara and separating us from the Tall blonde guy.

Blondie paused for a moment, then smirked.

"Of course we are," Blondie said, tilting his head to the side. It was like he knew something we didn't. His confidence was unwavering and it was unsettling. Suddenly, we heard a huge roaring noise from all around us. We all looked up to see a huge shadow with pricing eyes, flying down to Greg. The shadow then proceeded to rip Greg of his own shadow and Greg fell face-first to the ground.

"Ah hell nah bro," I commented, stepping back. I looked down at Henry. "I think that's our cue to leave."

"Get the boy," Blondie said smugly, commanding his league of lost boys. On instinct, I grabbed Henry and we bolted past the boys. Behind me, I heard the sound of a "thunk" and a huge gasp, but didn't look back. I didn't realize until later that Tamara had taken one for the team and got shot in the back with an arrow.

Henry and I ran as fast as we could. We jumped over logs and snapped a few tree branches, all the while both of our hands were still tied. I had to slow down a bit since Henry didn't have as long of legs as mine, but we were still running at a rather fast pace. A few moments passed and suddenly, I realized that Henry wasn't next to me anymore. I looked back to see that Henry had tripped over a root and had fallen face-first on the ground.

'That had to hurt,' I thought, as I slowed to a stop.

Panting, I ran back to help pick up Henry. Suddenly, I heard something rustling in the leaves to my right. I looked around for what could have made the noise and then out of nowhere, a boy, around my age, emerged from the trees and pulled both Henry and me into the bushes.

I let out a slight scream as we were yanked into a ditch. I looked up to see our captor or savior. Which one I didn't know.

"Come on," The boy said with urgency in his voice. He had pulled us down into a secluded area where we were covered by some overgrown vines and large trees. I was about to speak and say something like, 'what the heck bro?' But the boy quickly covered my mouth with his hand. In many other circumstances, I probably would have licked his hand as a sign of 'get your hands off me,' but I knew that he was just trying to get me to shut the heck up.

A moment had passed and about 10 boys came running down the path that Henry and I would have been running on a little while prior.

"Where did they go?" One of the boys questioned, looking around for a sign of us.

"This way," another boy suggested. All of the boys turned and began running down the path and within 30 seconds, had cleared the area.

"Thanks," I said to the new boy, as he released his hand from my mouth. I didn't know his name quite yet so I decided to call him brownie... Because his hair was brown and that's what I decided to roll with at the moment.

"Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island," Brownie stated. "We must be careful."

"Are you a Lost Boy?" Henry asked, still panting from the run.

"I was," Brownie answered. The boy began to take a sharp rock from the ground and cut the ties around Henry's hands. I decided to un-sheath my sword a little and cut my ties myself (because who needs a man to help me anyways lol.)

"But I escaped," Brownie continued. "Now they are after me, too."

"How? What happened?" Henry questioned.

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