Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV:

Ruby and I ran into the forest as fast as we could.

"He has to be close," I said, slowly running out of energy.

"OVER HERE!" Ruby shouted, running to our right. We stopped in front of a tiny well where I looked down at the ground. My eyes filled with tears as I saw Felix's body lying lifeless on the ground.

"No, no, no!" I shouted, running towards his body. There was no sign of Pan anywhere.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry," Ruby said.

"He has to be alive," I said, laying his head in my lap. "He just has to!" I felt for a pulse, hanging onto one last piece of hope that he was still breathing. He coughed, struggling to breathe.

"Y/n," he said, softly.

"No... This can't be happening to me," I said, tears swelling in my eyes. I began sobbing uncontrollably.

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening," I murmured.

"I-" Ruby stuttered. "What do you want me to do to help?"

I honestly had no idea. Ruby had no power to bring back someone who was practically dead. No one did. He was almost gone and there was nothing I could do about it. It was hard to think back to the time we spent in Neverland. It was hard to think about the tiny, kind acts he did like giving me his cloak and calming me down from a panic attack. He really was trying to be a better person. It just that the only thing he ever knew was evil. Thinking about this made my heart shatter. The pain in my chest grew as my sobs got more violent. Ruby tried to comfort me but it was quite hard for her since my body was shaking uncontrollably.

Green smoke began billowing out of the well.

"Crap!" Ruby said. "Not another curse!" She looked down at me, still balling my eyes out.

"I have to tell the others! I- I'm gonna have leave you two here to warn the others ok? I'll be right back!" She turned and ran back through the woods, heading back into town.

"Y/n," Felix said again, even weaker this time.

"Felix," I said through my tears. "What happened to you?"

"P- pan." Was all he could muster.

"Oh my goodness, I can't even-"

"Just—" he wheezed.

"No, don't talk. Please..."

"I— I want too..." There was a long pause before he spoke again.

"I- I love you, y/n." With that, he took his last breath.

The feeling in my chest kept growing. The sadness in my soul overflowed as I cried over Felix's dead body. The misery I felt at that moment was unbearable. If I had only been a few minutes earlier, I could have saved him. It was my fault. I let him die! How could I? How could I let him die? The guilt billowed inside of me, overflowing my head. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it just have been me instead? Why is it that I never get my happy ending? When will I be able to relax and live the life I am supposed to without any problems?

Still sobbing, I looked back down at his face and wiped one of the tears that had fallen from my eyes off of his cheek. I then leaned down and kissed his dry, cracked lips for the last time.

Felix x Reader (From Once Upon a Time)Where stories live. Discover now