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Per fairytale endings in OUAT, I had to give them an alternative ending...
Here it is:

Y/n's pov:

Green smoke began billowing out of the well.

"Crap!" Ruby said. "Not another curse!" She looked down at me, still balling my eyes out.

"I have to tell the others! I- I'm gonna have leave you two here to warn the others ok? I'll be right back!" She turned and ran back through the woods, heading back into town.

"Y/n," Felix said again, even weaker this time.

"Felix," I said through my tears. "What happened to you?"

"P- pan." Was all he could muster.

"Oh my goodness, I can't even-"

"Just—" he wheezed.

"No, don't talk. Please..."

"I— I want too..." There was a long pause before he spoke again.

"I- I love you, y/n."

I couldn't stop crying. They were a mix of sad and happy tears.

"Please don't leave me," I said, sobbing into his neck. "I love you too Felix."

I lifted my head from his neck and slowly, leaned in to kiss his lips. Just as our lips touched, a shock wave erupted and Felix gasped. He sat up with a start, clutching his chest, where his heart should be. The green smoke slowly stopped coming from the well and began to dissipate.

"What the heck just happened?" He asked, still in shock.

"FELIX!!" I shouted, tackling him in a bear hug.

He barely had any energy to hug back. He let out a sigh and a small chuckle before slowly wrapping his arms around me.

"Seems like someone missed me," he said with a small laugh.

I let go of him and gave him a light slap on the arm.

"You freaking died!!!" I said. "Your heart was legit plucked out of you!"

"Ok, ok..." he said, trying to calm me down. He pulled me into another hug, trying to get me to relax. "I'm here," he whispered over and over into my ear.

I peered up at him and slowly pulled away.
"How?" I tried to ask.

"You mean how am I alive or how we somehow stopped a curse?" Felix asked.


He paused to think and a smile crept onto his face. He began to laugh.

"What?" I asked, beginning to laugh even though I had no idea what we were laughing about.

"And I thought it was just in the fairytales!" He said, continuing to laugh, throwing his head back and looking at the sky.

"What" I asked again.

He looked me in the eyes.

"True loves kiss," he said with a smile. I didn't know what to say.

"What a joke," I said in a playful tone.

"Ya," he retorted. "To think we could actually like each other. Pfft."

"Ya, I know right?"

There was a long pause between us. We honestly didn't know what to do with ourselves.

"Come on," he said, getting up from the ground. He reached his hand out to me.

"It took you to legit die to now be a gentleman?" I asked sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes and helped me up.

"What do you mean?" He asked slyly. "I was always a gentleman." I rolled my eyes at him. When we were both finally standing, he didn't let go of my hand. We were also standing close to one another.

"So what are we gonna tell everyone when we get back into town?" Felix asked. He was so close, I could feel his breath on my face.

"I- I don't know," I said. "The real question is, how are we gonna break this... to my dad?"

"I think that's the least of our worries."

With a long pause, he leaned in again and lightly kissed my lips. I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach.

"For the huge scare I gave you," he said, referring to why he gave me the kiss.

"Oh, you're gonna need to give me more than one kiss to make up for the pure hell you put me through for who knows how long!"

He chuckled and looked back towards town.

"I think it's about time that we find everyone else."


With the curse gone and Emma and the others had dealt with Pan, I had to somehow break it to my dad that I and Felix were kinda sorta dating.

It didn't go well.


Many people didn't want to accept Felix (except for Ruby because she's a supportive friend and would kill him if he did anything not acceptable to her standards). I could tell that he felt like an outsider, but I think Ruby really helped him warm up to other people and he slowly got accepted into the town.

I had a lot of unresolved trauma from the past and so did he. So together, we worked through our problems and understood each other a whole lot better. Little did I know how much of a softy he is. It was honestly adorable.

Now, about my dad...

He's slowly warming up to the idea of us dating now. I think their last convo went something like this:

(Me and Felix cuddling on the couch in Snow's apartment)

My dad entered the apartment with some groceries. He had been helping out Snow since he and Emma are a couple now, (which I totally Stan 💅) and he wanted to get on Snow's good side.

"You'd better not even have a finger on her when I turn around," Hook said, closing the door with his foot because he was holding a bunch of groceries.

"Says the man with one hand," Felix said, removing his arm from around my shoulders and moving a small distance to the other side of the couch. I looked at Felix and smiled, rolling my eyes.

My dad put the groceries on the counter and looked at us on the couch.

"Don't even talk mate. I can make you lose more than a hand."

They both glared at each other for a good minute.

"Alrighty then," I said. "Nice chat. Felix, how about we go to grannies?"


Anywho, life Is slowly getting back on course. Hopefully, nothing crazy happens like that again...

Hey, beans! It's been super awesome putting this together for you all! I am so sorry about the main ending but that's just how I wanted it to end. It just felt right. One thing I will say is that I do feel bad for Felix. He never got the happy ending he deserved (In my main story and in the show). It just wasn't right. Putting your loyalty into someone and then them stabbing you in that back? It's just wrong. I wish I could give him a hug and tell him that he was just trying to do what he thought was right. He shouldn't have gotten betrayed like that. It's just super sad to see. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this story. I will probably never make another one but it's whatever lol. I love you guys! Bye, my beans <3

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