chapter forty

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note after writing this shitshow: this chapter starts really slow but there's action in it I promise because the last chapters have also been slow as fuck and i feel bad about it lmao 

note n. 2 after writing this: i was watching Fight Club, and it definitely influenced the way i wrote the action part of this, it's literally too dramatic but i'm also living for it low-key

October 5th, 1979 - Los Angeles 

L.A. wasn't exactly Nephera's scene, and by that, it meant that she hated it. People there were too loud, they cared too much about their image and the way other people perceived them, it reminded her of pureblood society, only with fewer clothes and more drugs. The problem here was that the wizarding population was relatively small, most stuck to the East coast, appalled by the flashiness of the west, "How many are there in this city?" asked Derek 

Dorcas reached across the table, picking up the list of names they had been gathering during their time in the States. Every single group they hit, Nephera asked their leader three questions: 

Are there any more of you in this city? 

Write down any other names you know and where they're located. 

Do you know anything about Helga Hufflepuff's cup? 

She made the leaders of each chapter write down the names on a piece of parchment, before she killed them, "Uh, not too many here, only about twenty that we know of," explained Dorcas 

"Makes sense," muttered Peter, "Not many wizards here, and it's a liberal town," 

Rory snorted, looking out of the dingy motel to the public pool, where despite the start of October and fall, people were still swimming in it, "Yeah, question," he pointed out, raising a hand, "Why are we in here, and not out there? Surely the war can wait another day, right?" 

Nephera looked around the room, taking in everyone's tired expressions. This was taking a lot out of them, herself included, but people who hadn't been as exposed to the war, such as Derek, Emily, and Dorcas, were having an even harder time with it. It was to be expected, of course, seeing people murdered in front of you wasn't easy, especially if you felt as though you were the one doing the killing. 

They could all use a break, one night where they didn't have to worry about war, and Death Eaters, and whether or not they'd survive to see tomorrow, "Get up," she ordered, "We're going out tonight, and we're getting drunk," 

Rory let out a happy cheer, clapping his hands together, "Finally," he groaned 

Reason number fifty-something Nephera hated the US, the drinking age. People apparently had to be twenty-one here to even enter the club, much less be able to buy a drink. Unless you counted beer, but who the hell over the age of sixteen could actually get drunk with beer? 

An hour later, they were all dressed and headed to the closest bar, where Nephera was forced to imperio yet another barman to get them all the drinks they wanted, "I don't know how you're all so comfortable with her going around imperioing people," whined Emily 

They had gone to a bar close to their motel, although if Nephera had to guess she'd most probably characterize it as a fusion between a bar, a club, a brothel, and a crackhouse. They weren't exactly in the best part of town, as was obvious, but as long as there was alcohol, they were in the clear. Besides, it's not like they were worried about anyone trying to attack or mug them, muggles had no defenses against magic anyways. 

"Relax, Gids, it's not like she's killing them. Just getting us some- Ah, tequila!" exclaimed Peter once he saw Nephera and Rory carrying the shots towards them

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