chapter ten

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November 25th - Minister of Magic's Office 

Too many things were going on in Nephera's life, but then again, the young witch couldn't remember the last time she had a calm day. The mysterious letter she had received was gnawing at her mind, the many questions surrounding it had met no answer yet. She hadn't told anyone about it, Sirius would no doubt freak out, and she didn't want to impose the stress on anyone before she had the answers herself. 

But those answers would have to wait, for right now she was seated in Crouch's office, waiting patiently for the Minister to come to meet her. Nephera was lazily sprawled on the chair in front of his desk, trailing her eyes across the room. She wasn't worried about this meeting, hell, she had the man eating out of the palm of her hand, and while her plan that had Crouch feeding his son fake information wasn't exactly game-changing in terms of the war, it was still a boost to his ego. 

"Apologies to keep you waiting, Ms. Winchester, but you can understand that in these troublesome times the schedule of the Minister is hardly light," came a voice, and the wizard walked into the room, taking a seat behind his desk 

The brunette let her eyes trail over his form, taking in the way his hair seemed greyer than last time, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed deeper than before, "Worry not, sir, I understand perfectly," she smiled sweetly at him, "What is it you wanted to talk about today?" 

"I wanted your opinion on something, I did mention during our first meeting that I trust your views when it comes to delicate matters of politics," 

The witch had to fight off a smirk at those words, I have the Minister of fucking Magic coming to me for advice, she thought, I should write a letter to father over in Azkaban, he'll burst a vein. "What about?" she said instead 

"I was thinking that it is time to take a more aggressive response towards Death Eaters as a whole," explained Crouch, "I want to give Aurors the green light to use unforgivables at will," 

Now this is not what the girl was expecting, but she agreed with it nonetheless, "I think it's an excellent idea," she smirked, "The other side isn't playing fair, why should we? Fight fire with fire, right?" 

The Minister released a breath of relief at that, "It's good to  hear that you agree-" 

Nephera cut him off before he could continue, "But, I do have a single objection. Sir, the Death Eaters, his followers, they're nothing but cards in this game, and they can't do any harm without the person playing them. We must focus on locating Voldemort, leave the Death Eaters as a secondary source," 

"Always one step ahead, aren't you?" the wizard couldn't help but smile slightly, "Which brings us to our second point, I want to create a team- think of it as a subsection of the Auror department, that will focus specifically on that, locating he-who-shall-not-be-named,"  

"I think it's an excellent idea," 

But Crouch shook his head, putting up a hand to stop her, "That's not all. I want you to run it," he stated finally 

The offer was an appealing one, a very appealing one at that, but could she really pile on more than she already had? Between the fortune teller's words, the riddles of the Fae, and the mysterious letter that haunted her mind, she really had neither the time nor the energy to deal with that as well. 

Yet, the elusive witch wasn't about to let anyone else other than her have that opportunity, "Now that's an even better idea," she enunciated

"I knew I could count on you. It'll have to be on the down-low, of course, even the walls have ears in this place, so I think it would be best to keep the names secret," 

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