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Yoongi parked his car and started to move towards his classes . Yoongi has a lot in his mind , he still can't believe that what Jungkook had done behind his back , if he doesn't have feelings for him then he could have just told me instead of playing with my feelings . 

But Yoongi was also thankfull that he came to know about Jungkook 's real character  soon or else what would have happened if he fell for jungkook completely,  thinking about that itself he became uncomfortable  .

Yes , he had a little crush on him but after what he had done behind his back , those little feelings he had for him began to vanish . But yoongi , won't lie if he said that there is still a little feelings for jungkook , which he is trying to forget . 

He is so so thankful for Sehun , if there was someone else in his place he is completely sure that by now he would have become a rape victim too , thinking back to that night ; 


 Sehun kissed him  possessively and hungrily and yoongi can't help but to pray for jungkook to come for his rescue,  yoongi's tears were flowing through his rosy cheeks he can't push Sehun as he took his arms . 

Yoongi felt that Sehun has stopped  kissing him and also loosened his arms , so he took this moment to push him and run out of the room but before he could run , Sehun trapped him  betwhen his arms , yoongi tried to scream 


 Yoongi screamed, but before he could scream again ,  Sehun shutted his mouth using his hands , but then to yoongi's surprise,  Sehun gently carried him to the couch in the main room , yoongi was blank for a moment then he saw Sehun suited himself opposite to yoongi , then he took yoongi's hands like few moments before he didn't harressed  yoongi .

After few moments of silence yoongi looked at Sehun who is now looking at him now , yoongi he himself doesn't know  why by now he is not screaming or running out to seek help instead sitting with his abuser , but before he could do anything , Sehun's voice stopped him , 

" I am only trying to help you yoongi " Sehun said with his at most sincere voice . Yoongi who heard it only furrowed his eyebrows in anger , 

" What do you mean by helping me  , you were going to rape me and  you were moreover going to betray your friend's trust on you " Yoongi  yelled at him, to which Sehun just laughed ,

"  you won't talk like this about him , after you watch this video " He said as he showed yoongi a video he recorded secretly.  Yoongi who watched that began to tremble he doesn't know whether it was due to anger or hurt , but Sehun  who saw yoongi's trembling took him in his embrace . 

Yoongi just gave in to Sehun's embrace and cried in his embrace . He can't believe how jungkook could do that to him and what more hurt him is that how shameless person he is that he even offered him to his friend . 

He regretted to have feelings for jungkook , he himself feels dirty to have feelings for someone like him . 


As yoongi was thinking to himself , he didn't see the person opposite to him , so he collided with that person but before yoongi could faceplant on the floor , he felt someone holding him to prevent him from falling. 

When he saw the person who wrapped his arms around his waist  ,it was the one he collided with . All things halted in the hall as they saw how both of them were passionately seeing each other or at least one of them because yoongi was struggling to get out of the tight grip this man has in his waist.  

While the other who was shamelessly staring at yoongi's face but he came back to his senses after he felt how the young man in his arms started to squirm , so he let the man from his grip .

Yoongi who now saw how the whole hall is so quite,  he felt embrrassed to cause such a scene,  so he blushed and looked at the person who helped him a night bowed his head , " Thank you for helping me  but I am sorry for disturbing you " Yoongi bowed again .

While the other man just smiled at yoongi while  continuously bowing his head , he looked so childish and  cute , that man opened his mouth but before he could speak , the bell had rang , students who were silent before , now started to run around to get to their classes , yoongi also started to go to his class fastly but not before thanking the man who helped him . 

That man who helped yoongi , looked how yoongi also ran to his class but then immediately he frowned , 

" Shit,  I don't  know his name

That man just  grumbled and thought of finding him by himself because according to him he must be one of the students studying here . 

So as he thought , he went inside the classroom and greeted the class as usual but when he looked at his class , he didn't think that he could find that beauty very easily because that beauty was now sitting there gloriously.  

But yoongi when he  looked up , he didn't expect the man he collided this morning  to be his professor,  he frowned . He nudged his seatmate's sholder who after some time looked at yoongi questioningly , 

" Where is Mr Choi ? " Yoongi asked his seat mate who just shrugged and answered him back , " I don't know , but now  his place is replaced by Mr Kim " He said and turned back , 

Yoongi now again looked at his new professor,  who is teaching now  , ah now only yoongi could see his face properly first thought he had is that he is handsome

Yoongi just shaked his head to get those thoughts away from his head but what he didn't see is that how Mr Kim glanced at him from time to time . 


Sehun showed yoongi how jungkook offered him to him one night and how a girl walked out from jungkook's office with cum on her face . 

If you ask me when Sehun recorded it , he recorded from the moment he went inside Jeon's office and if you asked me why , it's obvious he had seen yoongi in photo even before kook showed his pics , you remember how Sehun talked about  jungkook's character changes towards his husband , so he also knows yoongi .

But if you ask me why he acted like he doesn't know yoongi ? You would have to find it by yourself through reading the coming chapters .

So at last , who do you think is Mr Kim here ? 

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