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 " Ahh , please ... " yoongi looked at the two guys in front of him with half his mind in panic while the other half in daze . The taller among the two upon seeing yoongi's state smirked at him and looked at the other guy who was also now looking at him . Both of them shared a knowing look and set their eyes back on yoongi . The taller guy slowly approached yoongi with a predator look in his eyes while the other guy went outside to not let others in . 

" Please what ,  Min ? " saying this he lowered his body to lift the now crouching yoongi whose mind is completely intoxicated with the drug . He made yoongi to wrap his  legs around his waist and began to touch him . " How do you like this or hmm ... maybe here ? oh what about here ? "  , the guy talked as he slowly traced  yoongi's waist then to his chest then lastly at his necks  . .

Yoongi began to moan as he sensed the touching of the other guy on his body , " ahhahh ahah , hmmm... " but he let out a loud moan as he felt that the other guy's teeth sinking in his nape . The other guy hearing that gave a sly grin and began to let his tongue to trace , yoongi's neck to his lips where he stops and began to suck on those luscious  red lips . After what felt like an hour , he reluctantly let go of those lips and looked at yoongi whose clothes is now disorented .

The guy inhaled a deep breath for a sec and then exhaled and looked at yoongi's  hazy eyes , he pressed his now even more red lips with some unidentified emotions in his eyes . " do you want more then call my name , Min ... Jackson , try it  , i want to hear that from your beautiful lips , come on try it , Min " Yoongi who was confused of the sudden cut of contact , quickly obeyed the guy , " Jack-ummhh " before he could finish that , he was interrupted by a sudden kiss from Jakson .

Yoongi was desperately clinging on jackson as his body was uncontrollably itching , but again the kiss was cut into half but this time , jackson didn't interrupt but it was someone else . jackson who was kissing yoongi felt a presence  and before he could do something he was punched on his face . 

" HOW .... DARE ... YOU ...TOUCH...WHAT'S ...MINE " , Taehyung punched Jackson's face  , saying word by word . He wants to give some more to him but jackson pushed taehyung down and began to punch him . " aahhh .... it's itchy ... " both of them stared at the direction of the voice . Taehyung taking this distraction changed their position and began to punch him again but this time he just gave him a few punch  but Jakson lost his consiousness . 

Taehyung immediately took his coat and covered yoongi with his his coat . he then carried the now whining yoongi outside but before he could get past this party , he came face to face with two boys , " where are you taking him " . Taehyung's face showed irritation as he was now blocked by this two boys but he was more worried about yoongi . 

So without any another choice left , he directly kicked one of the guy's gut while the other tried to punch him but Taehyung's fast reflex made him to miss from the incoming punch . BY this time many of the surrounding people began to crowd the four . " Hmmm.... " , Taehyung looked at yoongi with concern , so without dillydallying his time , he kicked the other guy in his balls . The other crouched down in pain as he got kicked in his balls . 

Without wasting any seconds he rushed back to his car carrying yoongi . he set yoongi on the back seat and went to the driver's seat to go the hospital . Taehyung , began to drive the car at atmost speed he can but in between he heard yoongi's whining , " it's itchy , it's very itchy .." yoongi said as he began to cry because of the pain . " Yoongi -ah , just some minutes we would be abke to reach the hospital , just hold on " . 

Taehyung glanced back as he didn't hear anything from yoongi , but what  he saw made his throat to go up and down . " i want you , i can't tol..erate this pain , i wa..nt your touch ,... hm .. please ...." , yoongi said through his  gritted teeth with some heavy breathing between . "I..." , taehyung didn't know when he stopped the car , he wants to avoid the scene but he couldn't able to do that when he saw yoongi asking him like that . He looked at those begging eyes , " Plea-umhh" , yoongi was going to beg him again but before that yoongi felt a tight grip on his arm and  a cold feeling on his lips . 


This is my first time to write smut , so i don't know if i did well but i hope you guys can tolerate this  ...

hehe :)


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