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In a wide corner of the office room , sat a man , completely concentrating his mind on the computer screen . The man was fastly typing on his keyboard and continued to focus on his undone job , until he heard a knock on his office door . " Come in " , he then looked up from  his computer towards his screterey who is now walking in . 

" Mr. Jeon , Mr Kim is coming to Korea " hearing this , Jungkook frowned , ' Why is he coming to Korea ' , Jungkook thought as he thought of his last encounter with him . thinking about that only made Jungkook to clench his fists . " Why is he coming here , all of  sudden  ? " , he asked after calming himself from his rage . 

His secretary who heard that , began to tell the information that they have got from their informants , after sending his secretary back . Jungkook suddenly punched the wall with his full force to show his anger . " That fucker , how dare he " , he murmered to himself . ' Kim Namjoon , no matter how hard you try , Yoongi will always be mine '  .

Jungkook then took his phone and looked at his wallpaper , seeing the person's soft smile , he caressed the screen . after some minute , he closed his phone and started to work again but this time , he was only half focused as his mind began to go back  to  yoongi . He cant approach yoongi like he did before as now yoongi avoided him clearly . " Soon , I will have him soon " , he calmed himself . 


On the other side , Yoongi who didn't know anything about the upcoming events , now just arrived at the party . It's not like it was his first time to go to a party but instead it is his first time to come alone ,  as on other ocassions Lisa would be always with him . and talking about her , she is now in Thailand , managing her parent's  company . Yoongi knew lisa , really want to accompany him , but Lisa's parent managed to keep her with them for few months as they didn't want Lisa to annoy Yoongi as they knew how Lisa would have became an extra tail to the new couple . 

So they came to an agreement of holding her here for few months until the new couple enters  one year of their marriage as after that only Yoongi has to do something . Thinking about Lisa , Yoongi didn't knew whether he has to cry or laugh , as he had such a bestie  and in that if she came to know what happened to him in these months , he is sure that Lisa would kill them . 

Yoongi who was in his thoughts came back to his senses after he felt a hand touching his arms . He immediately moved away to avoid the hand , after avoiding it , he looked at the person , that person was clearly drunk as Yoongi saw how now that person is dancing with another person who is also equally drunk . He shrugged it , then searched for a place with less people . After settling  in a seat , he began to slowly sip  his mocktail and also observing the place . 

He was slowly drinking his drink , but suddenly  felt something warm on his lips . His mind immediately blanked only after a second did he realise   the situation he is in and looked at the other side who was now kissing him . Yoongi thought the other person was one of the drunkheads but he was suprised when he saw a girl and in that her eyes were not looking at him but searching for someone(?) . 

After few second , the girl went away without even looking back . Yoongi was dumbfounded by her actions , then a wry smile was featured on his face as he remembered how , he also did something like this to someone , but that time  he was the one who played the role of the girl while Taehyung was the one who played the role of him . ' Karma is a bitch , I think ' Yoongi thought to himself , and again began to sip his drink , like as he wasn't the one who got kissed by a random stranger .


While on the other side of the same club , 


A fat man , who looked in his fifties was talking with a handsome man who looked in his mid twenties .Surrounding these two were many bodyguards and beauties who were serving them , the fat man was already gripping the waist of one of the beauty serving them while the other man did'nt even blink his eyes at the other party's actions , he only gave a shallow smile and continued to speak with the other party , after coming to  a agreement , both of them shook their hands as  a sign  of agreement from both the side  . 

" Mr . J , then this matter is finished here " the fat man said as he now had the beauty on his lap , "Indeed , Mr choi , then you can continue your business , I'm leaving " , the handsome man said and raised from his seat leaving the old man in one of the vip suite . He turned back to go his private suite . 

As he was returning , he heard a  commotion , so he naturally came forward to see what was happening but he was stopped in his way as one of his bodyguard rushed towards him , " Sir , a corpse has been found inside one of the  private suite " , after hearing this he immediately asked the person to lead the way . So because of this he wasn't able to see what was happening in the front but before leaving he only saw a glimpse of small man being carried out out by a tall man .

 In the rush , he didn't see their faces properly but he felt that he had seen that  person before but ' where ' keeping this question on mind , he returned back .


What do you guys think about this chapter ? This chapter contains many spoilers for the next chapter can you guys guess it ????  If you can , then comment your findings  :)

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