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Yoongi is now sighing  helplessly with Jungkook in the drivers seat of the car s . Yoongi doesn't know where he was going but jungkook just told him that it's  a surprise . So he didn't ask much . 

Yoongi really does'nt want to come here but since Jungkook pleaded him so much . He finally said ' yes ' to him which he now regrets so much cause this guy told him that he had some work here ,  but till  now he constantly annoys yoongi by always being with him like  a parasite . 

Yoongi was in thoughts that he didn't even know when he slept . He woke up with Jungkook Caressing him and the first thing yoongi did was to move away from Jungkook . 

Jungkook seeing that yoongi moved away from him , only sighed . Eventhough his heart aches at yoongi's resistance , he tried to put his best smile on his face and looked at yoongi , 

" If you're tired let's go back to our mansion , don't worry about this we can carry this trip another time too " Jungkook  told yoongi . Yoongi shooked his head and looked at jungkook with his big kitty eyes , 

" Don't worry kookie , I'm fine there is no need to stop the trip midway . Let's go "  Yoongi  didn't even notice what he had called Jungkook but Jungkook clearly noticed it and was so happy as yoongi again began to call him ' kookie ' . 

Yoongi who saw jungkook smiling from ear to ear just shook his head and thought , ' This guy is so weird ' and then began to look out enjoying the sceneary  . As they were  riding , yoongi thought that he has been here before . 

Jungkook stopped the car and looked back at yoongi who was now looking at the big mansion of Kim Namjoon . Jungkook got out of the car and then went towards yoongi's side and opened the door for him . 

Yoongi frowned looking at the mansion , it's not becausehow big it is but because he has been here as yoongi was thinking back to his memories , he heard footsteps approaching them , but when yoongi looked up he regretted his action . 

" Yoongi ??? " A girl asked as he went towards the couple . Yoongi didn't answer but jungkook who heard that woman call his yoongi , just frowned how do they know each other , before he could formulate anything he heard Namjoon's booming voice , 

" Oh , I don't know that Johi 's cousin is your husband Jungkook " Namjoon said in a surprised tone , but yoongi perfectly knew that he just faking it , ' Fuck u Namjoon ' yoongi thought . 

Yoongi faked a smile at Namjoon and to jungkook's suprise , he intertwined their hands and looked at Jungkook with a smile and then turned to Namjoon who was gritting his teeth hard , yoongi smirked at that, 

Ohh Jungkookie you didn't tell me that your business partner is Namjoon hyung , what a real surprise? 

Yoongi also faked his surprise but it went unnoticed by  Jungkook , who was till now just staring at yoongi's hands which is now tightly wrapped by his hand , Jungkook is really happy that yoongi is not  avoiding him now . 

Yoongi didn't  look at Jungkook , he only looked at Namjoon  who is now clenching his fist tightly , yoongi smirked at that he wants to show Namjoon that he is know to play his game . 

Those 3 men came back to their senses after a woman who claimed to be yoongi's cousin began to talk , 

" Yoongi ah,  I don't know that you got yourself a handsome man , how great " Johi exclaimed and looked at Jungkook and smiled to which Jungkook also smiled at her . 

Then she escorted them inside the mansion or more likely she escorted Jungkook leaving other 2 behind , yoongi didn't like to be left alone with Namjoon , skills he began to get inside , but before he could take  a step forward , Namjoon pinned him to the wall .

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