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Yoongi sat in the car , scared for his life as he saw how Jungkook recklessly drove the car in high speed , he even thought at one point that this was his last day on this earth as he saw how Jungkook was so near to run into a truck but with a small luck they managed to escape from the accident . But Jungkook didn't seem to care about anything in this world . 

Jungkook knew that yoongi is afraid or even scared beacuse of his reckless driving but he can't able to help but to venture is all his anger he has on the steering wheel and on the car , he really wants what Namjoon told him to be false , he really wants that to be false, eventhough his heart told him it's lie but his mind worked exactly opposite and the visuals he see this morning , couldn't be just his illusions . He saw it , he saw how Namjoon kissed Yoongi hungrily,  but yoongi didn't stop him but just allowed him to do that to him . 


       Jungkook felt that something is wrong as he saw there is no yoongi or Namjoon but only him and Yoongi's cousin  . He saw how that Girl shamelessly stared at him and even touching him flirtatiously  here and there mistakely , but does this girl know that Jungkook has seen many like her . So Jungkook just dodged her next touch and smiled at her not his bunny smile but a typical cold smile that he wears in front of others . 

The girl retarded her hand back as she saw jungkook's cold smile . She saw Jungkook retracing his path back to the front , so she also went behind him but eventhough Jungkook was many steps ahead her , so she didn't see what Jungkook had seen

' I will show you who you really belong to ' Jungkook angrily thought in his mind as those scenes which he saw just now began to play repeatedly in his mind . Jungkook clenched his fist and his Jaws tightened as he saw how yoongi playing like nothing  happened between him and  Namjoon .

From then on Jungkook had his eyes on both of them  especially
Yoongi  . He saw how both of them were acting lovely dovely in  front of him ( according to him ) to which Jungkook  glared at both of them and his irritation only increased when the other girl's squeaky voice heard again . Jungkook didn't even let her in his eyes as he was so focused on monitoring yoongi and Namjoon's actions .

After finishing the lunch , he hurriedly went to pull Namjoon away from his yoongi . As a excuse of business callhe managed to get him away to talk with him as it was a personal matter . After getting away from them, he glared at Namjoon who was now smirking at  him . Before he could warn him which was his sole purpose for this  talk , Namjoon spoke first ,

" I know you saw me and yoongi kissing " Namjoon told in a matter of fact like he didn't just kiss someone's else husband . Jungkook hearing that his face became red with anger as well his eyes which became red , he then spoke in a very spine chilling manner  ,

" I don't care about your  past but now he is MY husband and I kindly ask you to know tour limits or else you would face  a very  painful consequences for your action " Jungkook said it accompanied with a coldest smile decorating his face , if someone saw this  they would never dare to go beyond his words . But the opponent next to him is not someone else but a person having a same temperament as him as well as powerful as him . So Namjoon didn't sway but only gave a smile at Jungkook mocking him .

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