Part 13 - A dilemma

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Location: Site-17, United States of America; Wanderer’s Library

Date: 7th-8th April 2022

Dr Clef’s POV:
An unbearable silence filled the entire room, as I told SCPs about what happened to Y/N. Despite O5’s attempts of finding her, we couldn’t locate her in any of our facilities, and she wasn’t present in her room or university either. Furthermore, a tracking device which we gave to her couldn’t be seen anywhere, which meant either it got destroyed, or she was out of detection range. Neither of these options was good for us, but at this point there was nothing we could do, except hoping she would find her way back to us.

Your POV:
I slowly opened my eyes while my back hurt after the fall. I looked around but I couldn’t recognize this place, as I have never been here nor heard about it, but I didn’t want to stay in here forever. Afraid of getting killed by somebody I stood up and started running away as fast as I could, while trying not to find anyone or anything. However, I immediately ran into somebody and fell on the floor, as I accidentally bumped into them. I started apologizing and tried to run away, but she caught me and said to not be afraid, as this place would be safe for me as long as I don’t destroy any books.

I had hundreds of questions in my head which I wanted to ask to her, but before I was able to make a single sentence, a group of people approached me and told me to follow them. I looked at that girl and she said it would be better for me if I fulfilled  their order, so with anxiety I followed them into a large room, where they ordered me to sit down. After few seconds they looked at me and one of them said:

- I am sorry for the inconvenience Mrs Y/N, however it was necessary in order to explain everything to you.

- You pulled me away from my friends and my group, while we were trying to save a universe, what can be more important than this? And secondly, who in the world are you?!

- On the second question I will answer immediately. We are an organization known as Serpent’s Hand, and I can also tell you that you are currently in Wanderer’s Library.

- You answered my another question then, thank you.

- You are welcome. Now about your first question. We pulled you away because we have a way to save everyone from your world and prevent the machine from killing all of you.

- That would be great then, but how do you want to do this?

- We saw the co-operation between you and those, who Foundation calls “SCPs”. We have been watching you for a long time, and we believe, this world shouldn’t be destroyed. It has a great potential, so we have decided to activate a protocol, which your Foundation knows as SCP-6000, and turn your world into a part of our Library.

- What do you mean? How do you want to do that, if this is still a part of our world.

- No, the Library is a place in the Multiverse, which doesn’t belong to any universe. We are going to start transforming your world into a part of us, while this machine will stay behind and get trapped in a complete void, from which it won’t be able to escape. Thanks to that, not only we are going to save your world, but we are also going to save others from the disaster.

- This doesn’t feel right. You want to destroy all the nature and save only people?

- And animals.

- Okay, but still, there has to be another way. Me, Abel, Cain, Iris, Olivia and Myung-Ok are trying to destroy the machine ourselves, and I am sure we are on the right path, but...

- You won’t succeed. We saw this thing destroy two previous universes and we regret we didn’t try to save them. Type 6 civilization tried to destroy it, they had weapons more powerful than yours, but even they failed. At the last day they tried to escape, but they were too slow. One hour earlier, and they would manage to save themselves and hide in a different world.

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