Part 14 - Do it or not?

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Location: Site-17, United States of America; Olivia’s dimension

Date: 8th-9th April 2022

Olivia’s POV:
I left the conference room as fast as I could and started running in the direction of my bedroom immediately. Without thinking about it I closed the door and lied on the bed, where I was trying to understand everything they told me. O5 council just agreed to let me destroy the entire world in case all of their attempts failed, but it was something I truly wanted to avoid. I heard somebody knocking on the door, but I didn’t respond to them. After two minutes I saw that Cain managed to open the door, and a lock pick was visible in his hand, while everyone else was standing behind him.

- What do you want from me? – I said instantly while O5 council was looking at me confused.

- Olivia, you don’t have to destroy everything right now... – Iris tried to comfort me, not understanding my situation.

- Maybe I don’t have to do it now, but sooner or later I will have to do it anyway! I cannot destroy this machine without annihilating the entire universe and killing all of you, and that’s not what I want!

- Olivia, we understand your pain, but...

One of O5s made an attempt to say something, but couldn’t say anything, so I materialized a gun in my hand, gave it to him and spoke to him:

- Do you think you understand me? Do you think you know how I feel?! If you do, then I want you to execute everyone from your council right now!

- You... No, this has to be a joke...

- I am serious. You want me to sacrifice eight billion people, and an uncountable number of other living beings in order to destroy this machine. If you truly believe, it is that easy to take away a life of somebody you love, then prove this to me!

- Olivia...

- Look at their faces. Look at their faces and put a bullet in their head right now, or else I will blow this goddamn facility into tiny pieces!

He aimed the gun at Bright’s head, but hesitated and didn’t pull the trigger.

- I... I can’t... – He said before dropping the gun.

- I am giving you five seconds. Kill them or else I will kill everyone in this facility and make sure, there is nothing left from it! One... Two...

- I can’t...

- Three...

- I can’t do it...

- Four...

- Fine, okay, you have won! – He screamed before falling on his knees. – I didn’t know how you felt when I gave my approval for this, but now I do. You don’t want to do this, you want to be better than your father, but we gave you a choice which cannot be made. I am sorry...

I stayed silent for few second, before saying:

- Do you see it now? Do you see how hard it is to sacrifice everything you have, when you don’t have any other choice?

- I do... And if there was a different way, I would tell you immediately.

- I need to take a break, I will see you later... Maybe...

Having said that I made a portal and went through, leaving everyone behind in shock. My dimension looked like a post-apocalyptic world, because every time when I was angry, I released my emotions in here. Only because of my magic, this dimension hasn’t collapsed yet, but I knew sooner or later it would break apart. I touched the ground, and vast lava flows emerged from the ground, before flying into the nearest mountain and covering it completely, while burning all flora which was growing in there. I continued destroying this place for the next few minutes, while my anger slowly abated and when I was calm once again, I saw a person I didn’t want to see anymore.

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