Part 9 - April Fool's in SCP Foundation

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Location: Site-17, United States of America

Date: 1st April 2022

Your POV:
After the second unsuccessful attempt, Cain and Abel lost hope of winning this struggle. They believed that out of all people, Olivia would be the one who had a chance, but as it turned out, even her powers weren't enough to destroy a multiversal machine. 343 said, that Olivia will be the one, who will save the world, but none of us knew how to do it. Today however, was 1st of April, and we wanted to take a break from unsuccessful attempts.

Together with Olivia we were waiting for others in cafeteria, but little did they know, that there was a surprise waiting for one of them. We put a whoopie cushion on one of seats and waited for somebody to sit on it. Cain and Abel arrived first and they sat on safe places, but Iris wasn't as lucky as them. She chose a seat next to me with a gift waiting for her, while Myung-Ok did the same thing as biblical brothers and saved herself from the joke.

She sat down and immidiately a loud farting sound could be heard in the entire cafeteria. She looked at us with anger in eyes, but at the same time she looked devastated after we humiliated her. We started lauging, while she pulled out the cushion and threw it on my face with a promise, that she will get me back.

- Oh c'mon Iris, it is April Fools, you should have expected that! - Cain told her in order to defend me.

- I know, but it doesn't change the fact that all of you will pay for this. Also, whoopie cushion? Seriously?

- Okay Iris, calm down, I will bring us some coffee, just don't be angry at us, okay?

- Just go Abel, and remember that I don't want any sugar in it!

Abel stood up and approached SCP-294, and after some time returned with two cups of coffee. He gave one to iris and the second one to Myung-Ok. After that he went for two more cups, and after returning, he gave one to me and one to Cain. My coffee had milk in it and as Abel said, a lot of sugar, because that was my favourite type. However, when I took a sip, I quickly realised that it wasn't coffee, but tea with milk.

I was always afraid of trying this abomination, but it turned out to be surprisingly tasty. It was different than regular tea, but it wasn't any worse than that, and without hesitation I continued drinking it, while Abel looked at me with curiosity in eyes.

- Do you like this coffee?

- Yes, it is a surprisingly good tea, thank you Abel.

- There is no way you like this thing Y/N, this is an abomination!

- What did you give her Abel? - Iris asked him while looking into his eyes.

- Tea with milk, and I am surprised she likes that.

- You thought I wouldn't like it, would you Abel?

- Yes, because I wanted to help Iris get her payback as soon as possible. - He responded without hesitation.

- You made a mistake Abel, because now I will get you back. - I told him with a smile on my face.

- We will see Y/N...

Having said that he stood up and left the cafeteria, and after few seconds Iris followed him. I looked at Cain and asked him, if he had an idea, which would give me a chance to humiliate Abel during this day.

- Unfortunataly no, I don't have any ideas.

- But I do. - Myung-Ok responded without hesitation. - All you have to do is hide Iris away from him for few minutes at 1 p.m., and let me and Cain do the rest.

- How am I supposed to take part in something I don't know how to do? - Cain said with a surprised face.

- Be patient Cain, I will explain you everything later, but for now, I need Y/N to find a way to prevent Iris from seeing Abel for at least few minutes.

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