Part 16 - Final attempt

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Location: Remains of facility in Poland

Date: 19th April – 16th May 2022

Your POV:
After Foundation revealed its existence, the entire world drastically changed, but surprisingly, most of civilians were calm about this situation. On the other hand everyone knew the world was ending, and it caused many people to fall into a deep depression, as their entire life would be gone after a bit more than two months. However, there was hope. Many anomalous organizations, agreed to co-operate with us in this one final attempt of destroying SCP-PL-106, and all of us had extremely high hopes for this one.

Chaos Insurgency  and Church of The Broken God provided us with advanced technology used by them, while Anderson’s Robotics promised to create a project of a machine, which would be able to save our world. Days passed, and after two weeks a plan was ready to be constructed, however due to very limited time we were forced to use thousands of employees to help us with the construction.

The entire project was supposed to be 51 meters long, 51 meters wide and 47 meters tall, made out of an anomalous alloy which only Chaos Insurgency knew how to produce, powered by a small nuclear fusion reactor, in order to eliminate the danger in one single blow. Almost all anomalous organizations participated in this project, because all of us wanted to keep the humanity alive.

All civilians have been evacuated to a safe distance, and even journalists had limited access to what we were building, in order to prevent our enemies from finding out about its weaknesses. There were cults of Scarlet King across the entire world, and they were our greatest danger, as most of them wanted to destroy the entire humanity, and if they managed to prevent this project from activating, their goal would be fulfilled.

Everything was being done carefully and slowly, which caused us to think the time was moving twice as slow as it did normally, but it wasn’t an understatement. Reality benders, who were weaker than Olivia, helped us bend the time-space continuum around the project and made the time flow differently inside the forbidden for civilians area. It bought us more time, and allowed to finish the project before the deadline.

In order to activate the machine, the fusion reactor was activated while few additional energy sources were added in order to gather enough power to finish the destroyer in a single blow. Reality benders changed the continuum around it, which would make the energy go through it instantly without any delay, while power fields around it would prevent it from destroying the nearby area, or at least lower its effects. They were the only protection civilians, who came closer had, and if all of them failed, causalities would exceed those caused by the nuclear bombs detonated in March, where nobody died, but the entire area around it was destroyed or badly damaged.

This had the vastest chance of succeeding, as the machine can only regenerate from its largest piece and a brief moment after the attack, while this project would make sure no pieces were left. Everyone was evacuated to a safe distance, and all civilians we found were taken with us. Dr Kondraki was waiting for us in a small, temporary base, where members of other organizations were also present.

- One last, chance, am I correct? – Abel said while looking at him.

- Yes, and let’s hope it will work this time. – He responded while preparing to activate the machine.

- Honestly? I am going to miss this.  – Myung-Ok responded. – I didn’t expect I would ever say this, but I am actually proud of this race.

- What do you mean?

- Don’t you see it Iris? For the first time in the history of this planet, everyone is co-operating instead of trying to kill one another.

- Too bad we realised it only when our history could end.

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