Part 20 - Secure, Contain, and Protect the world

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Location: Y/N House, new universe

Date: 18th - 28th October 2022

Your POV:
It has been over three months since our previous universe got destroyed, and many people could say that thankfully everything went back to normal. However, this wasn't true. Because of SCP-001's effect, minds of all living beings across the entire world have changed, and number of crimes in all countries has dropped significantly. It was a matter of time, until prisons would get way less crowded, and Foundation wouldn't have a wide access to class-D personel anymore.

However, even Foundation got affected by 001, and they released most of their SCPs to the public, as their goals have changed. They didn't want to prevent humanity from finding out the truth, because everyone already knew about them, and they didn't want to contain those, who were trying to help. Not every SCP got released from their containment chamber though. Some of them, like objects or machines were kept in the facility, because they had plans about how to use them for the greater good of everyone.

During this time, I also managed to get my Master's degree, and I was truly wondering, if I should go for a PhD, but ultimately I decided to give up and stick with what I had. When I was about to delete my application for third degree studies, I heard somebody knocking at my door. Having opened it I saw Olivia standing in there with a pile of papers and with a smile on her face.

- I have heard you wanted to get a PhD from physics Y/N, so I brought you some materials for your research paper, which could be useful for you. - She said while handing me the notes.

- I have been thinking about it, and ultimately I changed my mind.

- But why? - She asked curiously?

- I would have to do something stunning, and to be frank, I don't know what to do.

- How about you check those notes then?

Unwillingly I took the pile of papers from her and started analysing them. The longer I read it, the more amused I was, as there was knowledge which hasn't been found by humanity yet.

- How did you make this Olivia?! - I asked shocked.

- My father helped me with them.

- Scarlet King gave you all of this? - I said, trying to understand what she just said.

- He is not my father, and I don't want to have anything in common with him, I was talking about 343. He helped me with everything, explained everything to me and after all, saved my life in the past.

- I fully understand you Olivia, and I am glad you want to leave that past behind. But tell me, what in the world are those symbols and equations?!

- I am glad you asked, allow me to explain it to you.

We stepped inside and she started clarifying the notes for me, but the longer we talked, the more complicated it became, as it explained basics of the universe in every possible scale. All the knowledge we had had before was nothing compared to this, and it would have taken us up to one hundred years in order to find out about most of this normally. But with Olivia's notes, everything was within a reach of a hand, and after the world became a peaceful place, revealing it wouldn't be a bad idea anymore.

- And you will allow me to write a PhD research paper with all of this? - I asked with hope.

- Absolutely not! - She said before adding: - Unless we write this, and defend the degree together.

- I agree! - I responded immediately.

- Then let's start working on it.

Olivia's POV:
Together with Y/N we were writing the paper, which allowed her to finally make the decision and apply for a third degree studies. However, I couldn't focus only on that, I had another thing to do in a different place, so after leaving her house I teleported to Site-19, which was now way more quiet than it used to be. Many SCPs from this facility got released, and scientists were probably bored with what they had left.

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