Part 17 - Days before the disaster

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Location: Greece; Y/N’s house, USA; Site-17, USA

Date: 17th May – 6th July 2022

Your POV:
For the past few months I was hoping I would be able to change the fate of this world, but ultimately, I gave up. All of our efforts were pointless, and there was nothing left for us to do. Myung-Ok returned to her world, Iris and Abel decided to spend these last days together, Cain completely isolated himself from all of us while Olivia... Nobody knew where she was. She didn’t leave a single note about what she was doing and she didn’t give us any sign that she was still alive. I had a bad feeling she couldn’t handle this pressure and did something terrible to herself, but at the same time I wanted to believe she had a plan to save us from a disaster.

However I knew it was impossible, as her powers weren’t enough to annihilate the machine without destroying the entire universe, which was something she truly wanted to avoid, and frankly speaking, I understood her. She didn’t want to have blood of billions of people on her hands, but she had to understand, it would be better for all of us in this universe to die and save others from the same fate, than allow this monstrosity to fulfil its goal and go for other worlds after it destroys ours.

I spent the last weeks travelling abroad with my family, in order to see places we always wanted to visit. Our time in this world was limited, and we wanted to enjoy it as much as it was possible, and we weren’t the only ones who had this idea. Many people did the same thing, because they wanted to fulfil their life goals before it would be too late.

- I wish these moments could last forever. – I said to my brother who was sunbathing next to me.

- Maybe if you managed to destroy that thing, we would have more time to enjoy these moments. – He responded while holding his laughter, which annoyed me.

- I swear to God, one day, I am going to kill you!

- We are all going to die anyway, few days earlier or later won’t change anything.

This annoyed me so much, that when he went swimming in a sea few minutes later, I went straight after him and jumped on his back, which made him fall down. He tried to throw me off, but I kept him under the water for the next ten seconds, before letting him go. Immediately he swam up in order to take a deep breath, and after few more seconds he screamed at me:

- You are a psychopath Y/N, you wanted to kill me!

- You were the one who said, few days more or less won’t change anything.

- I wasn’t serious, this was supposed to be a joke!

- In that case it wasn’t funny at all.

I left him and went swimming somewhere else, where cold water managed to calm me down, and allowed me to partially relax, but despite spending my life as well as I could, I was still overwhelmed with negative energy. No matter what I did in order to make my life better, I felt it was completely pointless and didn’t make any sense at all. At the beginning I had over one and half month before everything would end, but with each day, it became smaller and smaller. One month, then three weeks, and before I realised, it was already fourth of July, few days before the disaster.

I left the sea and went back to my room, where I quickly changed my clothes and jumped into my bed. It was our last day on holidays and then we would go back to our home. I recalled all the good memories I had with my family and my friends, and with these thoughts I fell asleep. The next day we went to an airport and flew back to USA. I was sad while leaving Greece, because I truly enjoyed the time I spent in here, but nothing could last forever. After few hours of flying we left the place and went back to our house, where I looked at a photo of our group, while we were trying to save this world.

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