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Location: Earth, new universe

Date: 5th March 2025 – 8th October 2035

Your POV:
It has been over ten years, and many things have changed during this time. I still remember the day, when Iris and Abel got married.. The happiness on their faces was indescribable, while we were wishing them the best of luck in their new life. Sooner or later, the rest of us met the same fate. Myung-Ok found somebody in her world, Cain and Olivia found their soul mates too,  while I met a wonderful person, who became my husband and with whom I had three children. We became a happy family, while the world around us was slowly changing

It became obvious that GARO was getting more powerful with each day, and it was a matter of time before nobody would be able to stop us. We started releasing our products to the public, and people wanted something to change. We did for them more than any government in existence, so we have decided to take care of this world ourselves. The entire council agreed to this, and at 19th January 2027 we took control over all governments across the world, thus gaining the absolute power. However, we didn’t plan to abuse it, we knew many things had to be changed, so after a common agreement we came to another decision.

We changed our name to Compendium and united the entire world, while performing multiple reforms, which allowed us to achieve an unachievable. Within the next five years, we completely eliminated world hunger, brought free healthcare to all places in the world and made education accessible to everyone. We knew how to do this, and anomalous technology made it easier for all of us. The entire world began developing was faster than it used to be, and when we proved to everyone that we had good intentions, our reputation has increased even more than before. There were no protests, no rebellions, no terrorism, no wars, and crime level was decreasing with each year.

This allowed us to perform a unification on even deeper level than before. Just like the previous universe, this one also contained multiple worlds, including the one from which Myung-Ok came to us, and this was the greatest opportunity to put all differences away. We met up with leaders from those worlds, and after few weeks of negotiations we signed multiple treaties, which began a long process of creating a common society. And of course, for this we needed diplomats and ambassadors, but we already had people for these jobs, and Myung-Ok was one of them.

She agreed to take care of relations between our and her world, because as it turned out, the SCP-001 effect also worked on other worlds, and not only on ours.With her helping us, we only had to put few more people in charge of this in other worlds, but this wasn't a problem, as we quickly found competent ambassadors, who were willing to help us with this mission.

As it turned out, Scarlet King wasn't a danger for our universe anymore, as Olivia and her siblings took away most of his power, which was corrupting him. At the beginning I was afraid it would take over her too, but thankfully she was more resistant and instead of the power controlling her, it was the opposite, and she started changing this world completely.

While she made this universe a perfect copy of our previous world, she wasn't particularly proud of how our planet looked like. Carbon dioxide pollution, terrains which were completely unhabitable, plastic lying almost everywhere and causing deaths of living organisms, and of course limited number of spieces, which were endangered because of what we did.

She knew it had to be fixed one way or another, and as a reality bender, she was able to do it. She gathered part of the carbon dioxide into one place, and then sent it to a completely empty universe, where she split all those molecules into oxygen, which she spread across our world, and carbon, which she turned into diamonds and started selling online, in order to earn some more money.

With terrains it was more complicated, as she didn't want to completely kill spiecies living in there, so instead of terraforming everything, she only did it to a part of the Earth, in order to fix environments, which were slowly dying and had to be saved. This was a preparation for another move, which she would do later.

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