Part 12 - Something's wrong

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Locations: Site-██, Egypt; remains of Site-██, Poland; Yellowstone, United States of America

Date: 6th April 2022

Cain’s POV:
We had been waiting for approximately forty minutes, before my brother came back to us, holding a hammer in his hands. Immediately he gave it to me before going back to his room and complaining about spiders bigger than his hand. I wasn’t sure what happened to him, until I opened the book again and found his journey inside the story, which made me disappointed in myself that I almost killed my own brother for the second time.

Without hesitation I gave the hammer to Olivia, who grabbed my hand and without a warning teleported both of us back to the machine. I fell on the floor while my vision became blurry and I tried to prevent myself from vomiting, while Olivia looked like it didn’t move her at all.

- Don’t worry Cain, you will also get used to it if you teleport as many times as I did.

- But you barely used that few times during this entire mission. – I replied surprised

- I have been practicing it while all of you were sleeping. – She responded while pulling out a huge pile of dirt with her powers. 

My vision was slowly returning back to normal and my stomach didn’t want to release its contents anymore, which allowed me to stand up and look at Olivia’s work. After digging up the machine she grabbed the hammer and without hesitation took a swipe, before hitting it with all of her force. A loud sound could be heard in the area, while Olivia fell on her knees and released the hammer, which fell on the floor.

Unfortunately the destroyer of worlds was still in here, displaying a number 1031, while Olivia with the rest of energy she had, started covering it with dirt, while I took the hammer into my hands. After it was done, she grabbed my hand once again and we teleported back to the facility, where she immediately fell asleep due to lack of energy. I slowly grabbed her on my arms and brought into her room, where I put her on a bed and went back to my group in order to tell them, that it didn’t work. I handed the artifact into guard’s hands and sat on a chair, thinking what else could we use for our advantage.

Dr Clef’s POV:
Like everyone else in the Foundation, I knew about the sudden co-operation of SCP’s and this one civilian in order to save this world from a disaster. Frankly speaking, I wasn’t sure if it wouldn’t be better to simply ignore this and live our lives as good as we can, because even our organization didn’t have tools, which could destroy things from different universes, but it wasn’t my decision.

However, I immediately realised something was wrong when I felt something changing in reality. It happened instantly and as a reality anchor I was able to spot it while others were unaware of that. Without hesitation I called the O5 council and told them about it, and thankfully they didn’t ignore that. As it turned out, one of them, who was a reality anchor too, felt the same thing at the same time as me, which only confirmed my believes that something bad just happened.

I sat down on a chair and started looking into the reality, but what I saw was far worse than what I expected. Small cracks appeared in the fabric of universe, and I was sure they would slowly get bigger and bigger until the entire universe collapsed. I told O5s about my theory, and they immediately called that group in order to find out, if they were the ones who caused that.

Your POV:
After Cain told us they failed to annihilate the machine, we thought this day couldn’t get any worse, but we quickly found out how unpredictable fate can be. We made some tea for ourselves and started drinking it, when we received a phone call from O5 council. Immediately I answered it and found out, we were in a big trouble.

- Y/N L/N in here, what is going on?

- O5-7 in here, we have a question for you. Have you tried to do something with SCP-PL-106 without our knowledge?

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