Part 10 - Once upon a time... Myung-Ok's backstory

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Location: Site-17, United States of America; Site-██, Egypt

Date: 5th April 2022

Your POV:
All of our previous attempts to avoid the destruction of this world failed miserably, however we didn't want to give up. Olivia had a power to create or destroy anything she wanted with her mind, but even with this power she wasn't able to destroy a machine, because its power was vaster than hers. O5 council started negotiations with Serpent's Hand, which would allow SCPs and staff to escape into the Library in case we failed, but for now nobody knew how it would end.

Personel in Site-17 got used to us after all this time and they were trying to help us with our research, but neither of those ideas had a chance to work. However, there was one particular SCP, with whose powers Olivia had an opportunity to create something which would help us, but it would require some time. After all, SCP-826 can be used only on books and stories, which have been finished already, and it would take us at least few days of hard work before we would write everything.

However, SCP-826 wasn't located in the USA, but in Egypt, which meant another long trip only to make another attempt which had a huge chance to fail. Nevertheless, we had to give this a try and after taking few pillows with us, we left the facility expecting another helicopter trip, but for our surprise this time we found a car which was waiting for us. We entered it without saying a word, but inside Cain looked at the driver and spoke to him:

- Please tell me we are not going to sit in the car for the entire journey.

- Do not worry 073, there is a plane waiting for you at the airport, but I have to bring you there.

The entire journey lasted few hours, but most of us managed to survive it without any problems. The only person who felt terrible during the flight was Olivia, because she caught a stomach flu earlier that day. Cain asked her if she could heal herself with powers, but it turned out she was unable to change anything related to her body, and for the entire day she has been vomiting, while we have been trying to help her with medication.

When we arrived, Abel gently grabbed Olivia and brought her to a bedroom, while the rest approached SCP-826. Cain told us, that when a book is placed between two parts of SCP-826, it will turn the room in which it is currently located into a scenery from the story. If anyone enters the room, they will be forced to find a copy of the book which has been used. Succeding will bring them back into the real world, while failing to complete the task before the story ends will reset the story, and cause the unfortunate person to get stuck in it as a background character, while removing all their memories about their previous life.

Our plan was writing a short story, which would contain an immensely strong weapon or character, which would help us destroy the machine within short period of time. However, we had to decide if we should use a weapon or a character, and after arguing with one another for few minutes, we have made up our minds and agreed to use a weapon, as controlling a living being stronger than any of us would be impossible.

Cain agreed to write this story for us, but only if we give him enough time and don't interrupt him, as he has never written anything longer than essays before. We agreed to his offer and left him alone, before going to Olivia In order to check, if she started feeling better. Unfortunately, the stomach flu would stay with her for at least few more hours, but Iris and Abel agreed to keep her company as long as it was necessary, while me and Myung-Ok went outside to think about a way of pulling the item from the book without getting stuck in it.

Guards immidiately opened the gate for us, but I immidiately realised they have been looking at her with fear in eyes. Having left the elevator we felt a hot air hitting our faces, before we sat on a bench and looked at each other.

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