Part 8 - Olivia's story

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Location: Olivia's dimension

Time: 28th March 2022

Olivia's POV:
Everything began before I was born. Foundation wanted to prevent my birth, and because of that they created a procedure 110-Montauk, which ultimately failed and allowed me to enter this world. I wasn't aware of that, but I had powers with which I could destroy the entire world if I wanted to. After my birth, Foundation tried everything they could to contain me and prevent a possible apocalypse. They tried to keep me on their side with a false statement, that I could only use spells which Foundation had written in a book. This worked for some time until I realised, I could do more than that.

I started experimenting with reality around me, which forced them to put a sleeping gas in my containment chamber. After that they used medicine in order to put me in a coma, and agreed to terminate me. While I was sleeping, my father was slowly taking control over me, and despite the fact, that at the beginning I was easily able to fight it, I knew that it would be impossible to keep him away from me.

He threatened, that he would kill me, and when Alto Clef made an attempt on my life, I believed that it was my father's fault. Together with dr Kondraki I tried to save him, until Foundation backstabbed and put me back into coma. I felt betrayed, angry and devastated at the same time, and when they woke me up again, I couldn't fight it anymore. I lost control over my body for the first time, and I was not myself anymore. Scarlet King wouldn't waste this opportunity, but he did not expect that Clef would ask 343 to help him defeat me.

He tried to destroy the entire reality, while 343 was fixing it. Scientists were running away from us as fast as they could, but despite that, many of them did not make it. It was a maze of death, a place, where a regular mortal couldn't survive, and Clef knew that. He threw my body into another dimension, where he defeated my father and put a bullet in my body's head. He thought that it was over, he thought that I was dead, but little did he know, that it allowed me to take control over my body again.

His bullet somehow missed the most important parts of my brain, and that was the only reason why I survived. I tried to move after he left, but my body was too weak, and I was slowly bleeding out, while deep in my head my father was laughing at me. He had called me weak and useless, before abandoning me and leaving alone in a completly empty dimension. Because the bullet destroyed part of my brain, I couldn't remember how to use my powers anymore, and I knew, that without any help I would be dead within two minutes.

I tried to call for help, and surprisingly somebody heard my voice. Despite being in a completly empty universe, I was not alone. SCP-343, the same one who fought with my father few minutes earlier, approached me and healed my wounds, which allowed me to recover my lost memory. I remembered how to use my powers, why Foundation tried to kill me and what my father wanted to do with all of them. I fell on my knees and started crying, before 343 hugged me and said, that he understands me.

For the first time in many years somebody was not afraid of me, and I did not want this feeling to go away. I did not know what to do nor how to behave. In my universe nobody wanted me, I was an outcast and everyone was afraid of me, but 343 was not going to give up on me. He spent over a month with me, listening to my problems and comforting me whenether I felt terrible.

After one month, he took me to his containment cell, where I would help him with different projects, while learning how to control my powers. Whenether I wanted to try something, I went to the same dimension where I was supposed to die and used my powers in there. At the same time it was a place where I would release my anger, and it did not take long before I changed it into a wasteland. I was mad at everything, at Foundation, at my father, at my fate and my powers. I started to hate myself for who I was, and 343 realised that. He wanted to help me break with the past, so I received a new name, which I chose for myself - Olivia.

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