Part 21 - Changing the world

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Location: Earth, new universe; Scarlet King’s palace

Date: 29th October 2022 – 4th March 2025

Dr Kondraki’s POV:
Time was passing, and our organization already had great successes. By working together we managed to fully understand anomalous properties of many anomalous machines and objects, and implement them into other things. We restored SCP-1609 and made it functional again, thus fixing the mistake GOC has made long time ago. But this wasn’t the end, because we decided to further study its teleportation abilities and after few failed attempts, we replicated its abilities and put it in another furniture.

It was a great success for us, as it would give humanity a global access to teleportation, if we managed to distribute it globally, but our main goal was centered around something else. We started studying SCP-500 and SCP-427, and after a long time we finally broke their codes. Having isolated the energy waves generated by the locket, we finally had an opportunity to analyse them, and few months later scientists responsible for it found a way not only to move them to other objects, but also upgrade and get rid of its negative effects.

Object, which was able to heal most wounds within few seconds, but during a longer exposure caused people to change their body’s structure, was now completely harmless and available for all people in the facility. Few days later, every site we owned had their own copy with the same abilities and we knew, that distributing it globally was a matter of time. However, SCP-427 had one disadvantage, which prevented it from curing all diseases, as this was a part of SCP-500. But even that wasn’t a problem.

After a long time, we successfully made a perfect copy of those pills, which were able to heal all infections and sicknesses known to humanity, and even some SCP’s effects. We weren’t done here though, as taking the pills in a longer run would cause humanity to lose their natural body defence against viruses or bacteria, and we had to prevent this. Something had to be done, and after few more weeks of research, SCP-500 was a relic of the past. A new version, called by us SCP-500-Beta not only worked like its original version, but also gave the body natural immunity, which was as necessary as curing the disease.

We have been researching technology which wouldn’t be accessible to humanity normally and we knew we had to give everyone access to them. Free global healthcare, access to education and eliminating the world hunger were our priority, but neither of those could be realised without support of governments, who had to accept it. We distributed our inventions and it was a matter of time, until all those problems would be gone forever, but all of us knew, what had to be done, and a secret meeting of directors only confirmed it. However, it would take us at least few years to finish, but as the world’s most powerful organization, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Your POV:
Together with Olivia we have been defending our research paper, which for many people was unbelievable. Complicated formulas and mind-blowing theories made it hard for us to prove our statements, however Olivia was prepared for that. When they asked us how do we know the exact way Big Bang happened, she opened a portal to an empty space in the Multiverse, and with materials given to her by 343, created a new universe from scratch. Everyone who was watching us was shocked, and for three full minutes they were completely speechless, as it became obvious we weren’t lying.

I explained all formulas on the example of Olivia’s work and showed them, how humanity could perform this in the future, if we get the necessary technology. But both me and Olivia knew it would take humanity a long time to reach this level, even with GARO distributing their work globally. When we finished talking and there were no more questions about our work, the jury gave us the highest note for it, which meant that we managed to defend the research paper and we earned the PhD degree in physics.

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